Chapter 17- Infirmary

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Draco's POV (10 weeks after)

I haven't left her side. Everyday Madam Pomfrey says she's getting better. I haven't felt anything from her though.

Every time I leave her side, my Mark burns. So I stay right next to her side. I would even without the Mark.

Triena was sent away to Azkaban again. Dementors are now guarding her cell 24/7. That's good because now she can't harm us again.

Madam Pomfrey said that is today she didn't wake up then it was over for her. She started to get better but her health has been dropping. Her beautiful brown locks of hair still remain the same but her normally beautiful skin has been turned almost as pale as mine.

And that is saying a lot. "Hermione please wake up."

No response of course.
Hermione's POV

I could hear everything and feel everything. My eyes feel like there are boulders keeping them shut. My lips are sealed with glue. My whole body is an anchor, weighing my soul here.

I don't want to leave Draco. "Hermione I'm begging you. We still need to try so much muggle food. What about that one kind of pop? Sprints? Sprites? Sprite! That's what it is. And what about French flies? It sounds gross to me but you love them. And a Hamblunger? Please wake up."

I remember back to the middle of the week before the dance.
12 weeks before

"So what's your favorite Muggle food?"

I smile at Draco, "My favorite food is French fries and a good ol barbecued hamburger."

"French flies and a Hamblunger? Okay about your favorite drink?"



"No, Sprite."

"As in a water Sprite?"

"No ew Draco! Sprite is fizzy drink."

"Like butter beer?"

"No it just bubbles up in your throat and makes you more energized."

"That sounds unpleasant for your throat."

That's when I put my hand against his throat and made a small growling sound. He made that seductive sound and kissed me at the hallow base of my throat under my chin.

He trailed the kisses up to my mouth and we fought for being in control. He won and I backed off.

"Please Hermione."

I feel him put his arm against mine and leans against me. His lips press against mine and it's like I'm rejuvenated.
Draco's POV

I press my Mark against hers and kiss her lips. Her heart flutters, and I feel against mine.

I kiss her again. And again. Her heart feel like it may burst.
Hermione's POV

I feel myself becoming more and more in control. I need him. I want him. I move my tongue against him.

He pulls away in surprise but he's back in an instant. I have control of my mouth and soon I can move my whole face.

I open my eyes and stare into his blue eyes. Soon I have control of my arms and I wrap them around his neck. Then I'm completely back.

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