Shocked?!! Stunned!!? I dont know what to say! edited~

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Is that Amber?!


 I walked towards the familiar girl. About a couple feet away from her, she turned. The blondy was so not Amber! She looked totally different. 

But what my heart is feeling now is, happy? relieve? sad? depressed? I dont know!

I noticed the blondy walk towards me in a swayee way, what is she doing?!

"Hi! My names Erin. What's yours, cutie?" 

I looked at her, Cutie?! Nobody calls me that but Amber. 

I stopped myself from screaming her head off. Wait, whats wrong with me? I'm not Amber's boyfriend anymore, why do I have to compare every girl to Amber. 

Is Amber special? 

Yes she is!

 Is Amber smart?

Yes she is!!

Is- Oh!! who am I kidding nobody can be compared to Amber, except for Pattie and my mom. 

I came back to reality looking at a blonde girl who looked so- BLURR!

" Hmm It's Christian." I finally answered.

" okay Christian, let's dance." She pulled me, no no Drag- that's the right word. okay, As she dragged me to the dance floor and started dancing to 'Party Rock Athem' And did all those shuffling stuff. Which make her look pretty much STUPID! I hid myself in the crowd. Suddenly the music change into a Katy Perry song. 

Wait, I know this song. It's The One that Got away! I love this song, not that well I got away from misery but that it matches my situation with Amber. 

Anywayss, I walked around eploring the oh-so - familiar house and saw a few couples making out. Which was-EWWW!! Then I felt like something hard hit me. I opened my eyes and I saw an angel.

No no no back to reality, It was Amber, she was drunk but it was Amber. I was so Happy like Heaven. She didnt recognize me.

She stood up and leaned me a hand to help me up. " Sorry, about that. My friend over there pushed me. And BTW she's a Green belt in Karate. Anyways, my name's Amber Stephen. How about- wait You look so familiar. Do I know you from somewhere??" She looked at me. 

What should I do? She'll murder me if she know it is me.  WHat to do!!!


What will Chris do next? 

Will he say the truth? Or a LIE!?? 

Find out in the NeXt ChaPPy!!

Love CookieMonster3108

Ps Sorry its short. I didnt have a lot of time online now cuz of school. But I'll still upload. Haha Hope u like it. 

PSS: FAN VOTE OR COMMENT( if u havent)

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