Chappy number 5- I should've known.

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I immediately packed my  stuff and ran out of the door, ignoring the teacher shouting bout doing an asignment.As I dashed to the Abandon building, impatient that I would finally talk to Amber,alone.

I entered the building suspecting to see Amber but instead I saw....


"What do you want" I said harshly to the person.

"Oh baby. I'm your girlfriend why shouldn't I see you?"

" WE ARE NOTHING! We broke up.Naomi if u may, Please leave. Now!"

" Oh c'mon Chris. U having PMS or something? I came to visit u, arent u happy?" 

" visit? U'll be the death of me. Naomi, all you did was make me a fool to fall in love with a bitch like you. I regretted falling in love with you. Get lost!"

"Why should I ? Im loving the view! Anywayss, I have something to tell you.." She looked at the ceiling in a I dont care anymore.

Naomi is what u call a dare devil, what guys like. In the start, she's every guys dream girl. She's also called The Ice Queen.

I was her last boyfriend since I told everyone her long time secret, no guy would date her. She had an abortion and also surgery and a whole new identity, everyone hated her then and eventually she changed school before graduating.

 But before that she went andtold everyone that I impregnant her. Which was totally fake. 

I didnt even kissed her. That was a very embarrasing fact I had to point out. * laughs nervously*

"Chris, baby im pregnant, of course ur not the father but I want u to take responsibilities. " It was more of an order.

" What if I say No?" I said, trying to prosess what Naomi was saying.

" Well that wont be good." She said sounding very 'goody-goody'" I have a lawyer. I can tell everyone it's yours, Starting with A.M.B.E.R! " She said like it was rotten bread.

"U wouldn't dare!" I said , who am I kidding! She can tell people that I killed her if she wants.

"Oh, Chris, U dont know me,dont cha? Remember my nickname at school?" She asked and looked at me innocently.

"dare devil" Barely a whisper.

" Correct! And What does that mean?" She said so excitedly.

" Y dont you tell me yourself??" I'm losing patience. Where's Amber?

" Oh Chris, it means 'a reckless impetious irrespon-sible -" She stopped.

"Ha-AHHAHAHA!!" Its totally me. I'm Impetious, im irresponsible, I'm reckless And I"M A PERSON!!! OMG that's funny" she wiped a tear off her plastic face.

" Hey! Witch!" the voice was to familiar to ignore.

" AMBER!!" I turned around about to give her the best hug I could give,

but guess what?

She Slapped me!! 

Hard on the face.

" Ouch!"

"Oh, Amber. How's ur relationship with-" She gave me a look before turning back to Amber." Christian, did u take care of my baby poo?"

Oh NO! Naomi cant know I broke up with Amber. She'll be stupious if she know. She'll laugh like the scariest laugh she knows. 

If. She. Knows. I'm. Single!


What will happen next? Sorry I didnt upload, I was sick like crazy and I just started school. I know    

I know I cant make excuse, so heres my redeemtion present for you guys.

I Love you guys who read vote and comment. Even if it's only two people that comment. Readers I love you guys. For reading this boring book. I'm sorry if it wasted your precious reading time. I'll write soon!!! 

Love: CookieMonster3108.

P.s: I'll work hard on the next  chappy!!

Pss I love you guys to all my faithful readers

More in Chappy 6: What's happening!?

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