Chapter 11- confused?

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Dear readers, i won't be writing Author's note at the beginning and the end of the chapters anymore. So, enjoy. I wrote this shorter becauseI have writers block. D:

Naomi's POV


As I headed out of the school compound. I felt like I was followed. I kept looking behind me. But I noticed no one behind me. Being suspicious, I walked a bit, well okay, a lot faster, being an athlete, it's easier for me, even carrying this baby. Baby--

This baby. It will soon come out in 7 months time. And I'll be back to my fitting body.I looked behind and saw a person. A girl.. yes a girl around my age. I stopped,  looked around and saw no black vans or cars or trunks or you get it. She approuched me. 

"Do you know Amber Stephens?" She said. I couldn't see her face properly cause she was looking at the ground using her red hair to curtain her face.

"Yes?" I said unsure. I should really leave this girl.

" Do you want... Christian back? Back in you arms? Loving you .. and"

How did she...

" No! Good day!" I turned around and walked away. FREAK! Stalker!

I went back to my house, and being greeted by the maids I headed to my bedroom.

 I felt tired. Hungry. And nausea.

I went to take a shower before going to the dining hall.

Yes, the dining hall. The long dining table was useless. It was only me and my father. Why have such a long dining table with hundreds of chair. Don't know. Business , maybe.

I went to sit at my usual spot which was at the end of the table.

As I was served with a bowl of bird nest's soup , a Von Essen Platinum Club Sandwich, with a Golden Opulence sundae. Yummy!

I gobbled it up and headed to my room. And rested. Being pregnant isn't easy.

And I replayed what happen with that weird red-head.

"Do you want.... Christian back?"   

Who am I kidding I do want him back! But how!?

** Amber's POV ** 

I followed Christian with my head looking towards the floor.

Suddenly, the floor had my full attraction, it suddenly seem so ...Interesting

I followed Christian's to the back of the school where no one was.

" Look, Amber. There's this girl. Like a stalker. She's .... a fan of..mine.. you know .... a beadles fan. And.. she was from ........"

### SEE ya later!gotta run!! bye!####

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