Chapter 13

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I'm sorry for breaking my promise. My phone got taken away from me. I know no excuse so here it is. Chapter 13.

And since it's been like what? Forever since my last update I'm doing a glee-like recap. Yay me! 


Christian told Amber about his stalker and how she wrecked Amber's locker, Christian made Amber promise to never leave him and Amber promised.

Christian and Amber kissed, and unfortunately Nate saw it, and he got mad and gave this longgggggg speech then Christian gave one longgg speech too and Nate wanted revenge.

And that's what you missed in Finding Amber!

(A/N: god I need a different saying but till then TTYL! and HR!(happy reading) BYE!) 


Guess whose POV

So she finally did it. Finally it's taking a lot of planning for this to happen. Now I can do proceed my plan. Finally!

I stared at the boy in front of me. "Well, I thought you will never ever come back?" He scowled. Serves him right. He never listened!

" I never thought she would do it! It's just!!! GAH!!!" And he screamed. "SHUT YOUR TRAP, YOU'RE GONNA GET US SUED!!!" I said in a half whisper half shouting in his face. He just shut his mouth and rolled his eyes.

"Nate, calm down. If my plan works you will be with her forever. Until you guys die, I guess." He nodded agreeing with this. Finally, mentally I was jumping around.

"Now the plan is......

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Amber's POV

I laid there.

Just thinking.

Is it ever going to work? Me and Christian. I mean, he broke my heart before, doesn't mean he can't. Again.

"Babe, what you thinking?" Christian asked me as he turned on his side to look at me. I stared back at his brown eyes and shook my head.

"Nothing important." And smiled. He nods and drops it. We stared back at the starry night. We were hanging out at Christian's backyard.

"Christian." Stealing a glance at him before turning my attention at the blinking sky. "Yes, babe?" (A/N: it's awkward writing 'babe'.)

"Have you ever wonder, if we ..." And I looked at him. "If we never, if you never broke up with me?" It made me wonder. Did he ever regret? Did he ever asked about me? Did he care that we broke up? 

Questions filled my mind and I forgot that Chris was beside me. And I noticed he was talking. "......We broke up."    Eh? We broke up. What did he said say before?

" What was that?" I saw him sigh. 

" Let's just say. I regret it. But it was for the better." Christian, what? Better? 

"What do you mean by, for the better?" Anger welled up as I said each word, especially the words 'for the better'. 

For the better? Is wasn't 'for the better'. It hurt me! Didn't he care about my feelings?!

"I didn't..." He sighed again. " Just forget about it ! I don't wanna fight now. Let's just enjoy the moment."  And he ended the conversation. 

No! I don't wanna enjoy the moment after knowing we broke up 'for the better'.  I stood up from the position. NO!

"Amber please..." He followed my suit and caught my wrist. "NO! LET GO!" As I ripped my wrist out of his grasp, I cooled myself down. 

Don't overreact. Don't overreact. Don't overreact.

"Chris, I'm just going to take a glass of water inside." As I took steps back. 

"I'll follow y--"  He took steps toward me.

"NO!" Don't overreact. "No.." Lowering my voice. " I'm just going to take a glass of water, I'll be back in a jiffy." And I took my cue to run to the house.

I need time. Time away from Christian. Just to clear my head. Yes. That's what I need. 

I went to my room. Yes, I moved into Christian's house, but guess I'm gonna moved out again. As I entered the room I decided to pack my things. And since I didn't have much. I took my only duffel bag and packed.

Clothes,undergarments,towel,deodorant,what else? Tooth brush! "Where's my toothbrush?" Thinking out loud.

"THE TOILET!" I whispered out loud to myself. And I tiptoed to the toilet (for some reason, I'm weird I know.)

I took my tooth brush that was sitting on the sink, suddenly I heard footsteps. Shizz-- He's coming! I quickly went out to take my duffel bag so that Christian won't know that I' - "Amber?" Wait, that's not Christian.


A/N: uhhh, who was that? Not Christian, who? hehe.. Anyways.... A few more chappie to go...

Teaser : Amber, Christian and Nate. Add them together what do you get?(A story? maybe) 

 Next Update: On a Weekend not sure when.

P.S: not edited. I seriously need to find an editor. TTYL BYE! 

Finding Amber ( Christian Beadles Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin