Chapter 14

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A/N: Guess what? I'm watching America's Next Top Model British Invasion, laughing my head off at their british slang. Just one more chapter and an epilogue and this story would be done. Du-done!

*cries a river*  *hyperventilates* *build a bridge* * get over it* okay I'm done.


In a different POV

This mysterious girl met up with Nate who was furious then the girl told Nate the plan and said that 'it was bullet proof, and Nate would live with Amber till the day they die.. *Dead sound*

Anyways meanwhile at Christian's house.

Christian told Amber that they broke up for the better, that made Amber really mad. Then she excused herself to 'get a glass of water' but instead she went to her room and started packing, then she remembered her toothbrush was in the bathroom and when she went to take it, she heard a door slam and foot steps.

Guessing it was Christian she went out to take her duffel bag so, if Christian checked her room he wouldn't suspect anything but instead she heard someone call her name, but the voice wasn't Christian's.

ANd that's the recap for Chapter 13

(A/N: I still don't have a different saying ,poohy, you can make one for me if you want.)

Till then here's chapter.... *drum rolls* CHAPTER 14

Chapter 14


Shizz, soo not Christian.

I looked at the owner of the voice.



Who the hell is that?

'What are you doing?' Nate spoke.

'Can't you see what I'm doing?' I spoke, suddenly finding confidence.

'for me, I think your packing.... for good.' 

No shit, sherlock. i thought. For some unknown reason, I feel annoyed looking at Nate at the moment.

'Why are you packing? Thought you loveeeeee Christian. Why leave?' He pulled the love and smirked at the end. Boy, I'm gonna kill him soon.

'Amber?' The girl finally spoke. Her voice was super squeky I wanted to stuff a sock and make her shut up.

'ermm i would say your name but...'


Guess who POV


'Natalie.' I finally spoke. Amber got a confused to shocked face. So, she knews huh. 

' You told her?' I whispered to Nate while Amber was processing something in her tiny little brain.

'i just told her I have a ....'

'Nate? Is this your sister??!'

Nate, acting cool, just nodded. 

'Yes, I'm his sister and Christian's....'

'stalker?' She interrupted. I too nodded.

'And we need to talk. Tell Christian your going starbucks to meet some friends. Now. Or else...'

'else what? Your gonna stalk me too?'

'Amber!' Nate growled.

Amber had a shocked face. Hmmp, Nate never growled at her maybe?

'Or else, I'm gonna tell Christian... everything. Especially, what your doing now!'

'You wouldn--'

'I would Bitch!' I spat.  As anger rose within me. How dare she try and break Christian's heart!

'Fine. Let me go down and look for him.' she sighed defeatedly.

Step 2: DONE!

Christian 's POV

I waited for Amber to come out and finally saw her walking towards me. I smiled. 

'Chris, I'm gonna meet up with some friends at.... ermm starbucks.. so I'm gonn---'

'I'll follow!'

'No, you don't need to.' And she walked away from me. What? What's wrong with her?

Until she come back, I'll just be a company to myself then.

I walked back in the house and heard the front door slam. Guess she just left.

But then I heard .. what was that? footsteps?

'hey Christian.'

And instantly I froze at the sound of the voice. Shizzz

Amber's POV

I walked out of the house with all the pride I have left and my duffel bag and walked towards the nearest Starbucks, around five minutes from here.

I took a deep breath and took steady steps towards starbuck.

'Hey, where's Natalie?'

Nate just shrugged it off. Arse hole much!

'so why you want me here?'

Nate finally looked at me and spoke ' Don't you see Amber? '

' I have eyes, so yes I do see.' And flashed a fake toothy grin.

'Stop joking!' Nate ordered.

'I'm not joking.' And I continued to stare at him. Suddenly all the cold and icy look he had was replaced by soft and gentleness. The Nate I thought I knew.

'Amber, Your just going to hurt  Christian if you leave him! Don't you see he loves you a lot! But you don't seem to love him just as much cause your actually going to sneak out of his house and leave him! '

'What's your point?!' I hissed.

'My point is stay with me, move to England with me and leave Christian. You will not hurt him if you aren't with him.  If you really love him, leave him, don't hurt him.'

He is right! I'm hurting Christian in every way possible. I have to distance myself but moved to England? The other side of the world?I'm not sure.

'Amber. Look at me.' I did. '  I can take care of you, but you can't take care of Christian and vice versa. Just stay with me.' 

I looked at his pleading eyes. Should I?

Should I leave Christian, to safe him from the hurt he'll receive?

My head was spinning as I think and think and finally made a decision.




Meh! Almost done!!! hehe.... I'm happy today, so it was hard to write something sad.

Next Update: ??? 

Teaser: Christian, Amber, Nate and Natalie. That's all I can say.

Till next time~!

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