WEEK 2 (haiku / senryu)

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this week we will be featuring the Japanese poetry styles ...

haiku and senryu.

We will start accepting submissions on September 3.

We will post the poems received as they are received.

A description of these styles are below.

Basically any poem that follows the 5-7-5 syllable format, will be accepted.

And use your imagination.



 haiku and senryu are Japanese style poetry that has become very popular in the west.

the haiku is the most published poetry form world wide.

the haiku and senryu have seventeen syllables shared between three lines in this style ...

line 1 ... 5 syllables

line 2 ... 7 syllables

line 3 ... 5 syllables

the sole difference between the two is the topic. 

haiku is all about nature and the elements.

senryu is all about human nature (feelings, emotion, death, stuff like that)



'sunset haiku'

vigilant sunset

sees all, says nay, all knowing

embrace her silence

'baby sister (senryu)'

when she laughs I feel

a sharp pain within my chest

my heart has grown wings

Any questions ....


Good luck

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