Inked Creatures (RanjuVel) (5)

53 9 4

O Omniscient!

How did you craft these poets?

Did you unlade ink bottles into their veins, in lieu of blood?

Are their hearts ,pile of sheets bled through with ink?

Is it You who turned their grey matter inky?

And their fingers into magical quills?

When their ink drops play with paper,

T's like the rain and its iridescent bow harmonizing!

Like the stardust studding the deep blue ocean capping the globe

It's like the Sun's rays peeping from the foggy,frizzy clouds..

T's like the fireflies in mason jars, worth gazing at, and sacrificing sleep!

The words they ink,

Cause goosebump sprees,

Skip heart beats,

Toss thunders into axons

And cast hurricanes into the tranquil blood..

Their pen nibs erupt as volcanoes

And nonplus the eyes,

That try digesting the embellished words brimming with puissance!

O Omniscient!!

You created them?

Or wrote them

Into the sheets of time,,

To paint awe?????

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