Why does the old man run? (Andrewagreen)(5)

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Why does the old man run?

He runs because he can.

To feel the sweat run down his back

The road beneath his feet.

The hardest part is getting out

It's getting past the door

Then shallow breaths

And achey limbs

Until he can unwind.

He can't run like he used to run

He's not young like he was

But still the old man likes to run

He runs because he can.

At first he's slightly out of breath

But then finds second wind

And beginning to find a rhythm now

He starts to hit his stride.

It takes a while to find full flow

For it all to come together

As he breaths through his nose

Pushes hard off the ground

And lives just in the moment.

All too soon he'll start to tire

And the breathing will

Soon be laboured

But for a precious few steps

As the rhythm kicks in

He's a runner and not an old man.

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