Little Explosions of Happiness (ronaboberts)(5)

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Little Explosions of Happiness

Little explosions of happiness

Like in the moment I met you

On the top of our mountain

Late one night

In the empty wooden hut.

We sat next to each other

And shared our dinner -

Two apples, a protein bar

And a can of beans.

Then we cuddled up in your sleeping bag -

My back to your rock-hard chest,

One of your arms

Keeping me from the cold

And the other -

The softest pillow

I've ever rested my head on.

The silence of the sleeping mountain -

So loud that it stifled our breaths.

A silence in whose embrace

A sigh felt like a moan

And a moan felt like

A cry of pleasure


The impenetrable ink sky

Laced with a million stars.

Little explosions of happiness

Like when I was in that hospital bed

Negotiating with death and

Rejecting its addictive embrace

And you came to me,

Held my hand and

Told me everything was

Gonna be all right.

And I believed you.

Little explosions of happiness

Like when I couldn't go on anymore

And then I saw your face.

You were smiling and

Calling me to you.

And I didn't care how exhausted I was

Or how hard it was to go on.

I was enchanted.

And I just kept going

Until I reached the end

Of my journey

Never to look back.


Little explosions of happiness

Like when a little boy,

No more than three years old

And not even my kid

Trusted me enough

To blissfully fall asleep

In my arms.


Little explosions of happiness

Like when you know,

You just know,

You'll be all right.

As if a fùcking miracle has happened,

But in fact,

Nothing has changed.

You just know.

And you see a different future

Because you've changed.


Little explosions of happiness

Connecting the dots

On the irregular timeline

Of your life,

Giving purpose

To the absurd nonsense

That is your existence,

Reminding you

You are just an insignificant drop

In this impossibly enormous

Sea of souls roaming the earth.

And yet,

These little explosions of happiness

Give meaning to your life


They matter

To you.

They matter.


The are


Little explosions of happiness.

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