Fur Elise (meahrey)(5)

66 11 3

Fur Elise

I hate me for missing you

and I always do these days.

To think that I couldn't breathe without you then,

Or that I'd bend to your will,

tin itself would envy me.

If you could let my mind be,

that'd be swell.

We would be better off pretending

that we never cried on each other's shoulders,

Because I can never feel well

Knowing you were backing me into my grave.

All while I smiled, like you were gold and brave,

But you were and are just a person.

Not a hero, or a demon; A person.

Well, I could never hear differently.

I fed your ego with the scraps of mine

And when I was empty, you left me.

I never did see it coming.

But time will heal these wounds,

and one day I'll say that I'm okay. 

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