honesty (TheGeekestGirl)(5)

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 Peace and unity

Always comes at a price

Knowledge is power

But power corrupts

Corruption leads to war

War leads to rebellions

To die a hero saving lives

Rather then to die knowing you dragged other down with you

Magic is a dangerous game

Because your not just playing by yourself

You're playing with the fate of others

And magic always comes at a price

You're in a war

That you know nothing about

It feels endless

Yet you choose to rebel

They tell you to stand down. Hide and stray away

You stand taller and stronger

You move mountains

You stir seas

You cause thunder

You should of killed me when you had the chance

Eliminated me

Turn me to ash

Because now I have a army

Ones that are brave

They say we have no fear

Yet you need fear to be brave

Yet when we win

We don't kill

We will help you up

And change you into a good person

Because if you kill a killer

Your not taking one away

It's still the same number

Peace and unity

Always come at a price

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