A Stolen Soul

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Here is the start of my own novel :D hope you like it.

Not too long ago had I thought my life was dull, boring, predictable... now, I was in a place so unfamiliar, so unreal, I was frightened... scared... with no way out. How could I escape, find out the truth, when the people I thought loved me had betrayed me? They weren't on my side. What I knew, what I though... were nothing more than lies, the world was no longer what it seemed. Now I was facing death... but I was not giving up without a fight.


Cascata Island 

Three Years Ago

He walked into the room, his footsteps echoing on the stone ground, his hands in his pockets, his head down, he knew there was little chance of changing what had to be done... but he had to try, he had to try for her... 

"Hello, boy," the man said in a dark voice. He was standing across the room facing the fire, his back to him. 

"I need you to reconsider, I..."  

"I know what you want but you can't do anything about it and neither can we. You have no say in this, none of us do, she's the one we want, the one we need, we've waited five hundred years for her," the man said, his voice was serious but calm. "The queen is terribly ill... we can't put it off any longer." 

The boy crossed the room but the man didn't look away from the fire. 

"She's barely sixteen, what do you want me to do, date the girl, get her to trust me? I can't force her to like me, I can't force myself into her life, what if her parents think I'm too old for her, what if they don't allow me near her? In mortal years I'm at least twenty two years old, you can't make me do this, there has to be someone else to take my place." 

The man raised his voice now. "Silence, boy, you know this is your destiny, there is no way out, you've been chosen, Odette has already seen it, the girl will fall for you, and when she does, you will do what we've already planned. You'll be a twenty year old tourist, travelling across America, go to her parent's restaurant, ask her for directions to a hotel nearby, once you've broken the ice, say anything to keep her talking to you, each day go back, get to know her and when you think she's ready ask her to be your girlfriend. Keep her by your side, keep her out of trouble, and make sure nothing happens to her, her body needs to be perfect..." 

"I can't do this to her, I can't... there has to be someone else to do this, please," he begged. 

The man was suddenly in front of him. "I've told you, boy, this is your destiny, you can't fight it, you can't change it." He put his hand firmly on his shoulder. "If you do this, the queen will owe you, the whole of Cascata will owe you, you will be respected and adored by everyone. You know there is no way out. You've done this so many times before; I don't get what's different this time. If you get the girl she will die, if you don't you both die. Don't be stupid, boy, do your duty. On her eighteenth birthday you will bring her to us and when you do... her body will belong to the queen."

What do you guys think?

Should I upload more? Let me know :D

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