Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


Three Years Ago

I was standing at my closet trying to decide what clothes to wear for my date with Elijah later that day. It was our first official date as boyfriend and girlfriend. And after almost twenty-four hours I still couldn't believe he was finally mine.  

I looked up as my bedroom door opened. Sammie walked into my room with a huge grin on her face. I smiled back at her. 

"Hi," she said as she closed my bedroom door.  

"Hello, Sammie," I said with a little too much enthusiasm. But I just couldn't hide how excited I was, especially not with Sammie, we told each other everything. 

She crossed the room and sat on my bed. "So, why did you invite me over, Miss Smiley? Wait a second, are you going somewhere?" she asked eyeing the clothes I'd just laid out on the bed beside her. "Because that is a cute outfit," she added. 

"Thanks," I'd finally decided on high-waisted black shorts with a white chiffon blouse tucked in and a pair of black wedges. "And yeah, I'm going out," I said avoiding eye contact with her.  

Her face instantly lit up. "Oh, my God, it's a boy, isn't it?" she said drowning me with her excitement.  

"Maybe," I laughed. 

"Maybe? Oh, my God, just tell me, girl." She was now practically jumping up and down in anticipation and her brown eyes were pleading with me to tell her.  

"Elijah," I grinned. 

"Wow, since when?" 

"Last night, at Mason's party, he asked me to be he's girlfriend." 

"Are you seriously telling me you're dating Elijah Jackson?"  

"I'm one hundred percent serious," I squealed. 

"No way," she said almost bursting with excitement. "Oh, my God, Elijah. He's so hot, so cool, so sexy, he's older and now he's your boyfriend. Wow, wow, wow. It was about time, you've been staring at each other in that restaurant for the last two weeks," she laughed. "Your goofy look is scary, Bren, so don't stare at him too much."  

"Ha ha ha... you're so funny," I said while rolling my eyes. 

"I know," she replied sarcastically. "So, I'm guessing the real reason you asked me here is because you need me to cover for you?" she asked. "They don't approve of him do they?" 

"You really are clever, Sammie," I laughed. "My mom hasn't been happy about how much time he's been spending at the restaurant, especially how much time he spends there flirting with me. So yeah, your assistance tonight would be much appreciated. And because you love me so much, you'll do it for me," I said with a smug smile. 

"I'll think about it," she said sticking her tongue out at me. "I still can't believe Elijah is your boyfriend. He is so beautiful, yet, so dangerous." 

"I know, and his kisses are amazing." 

"Oh, my God, you've kissed him. I'm so jealous of you right now." 

"Yes, quite a few times actually, he was so gentle and his lips felt so perfect against mine," I said while looking at the clock. "Damn, I need to get ready," I said heading to the bathroom. 

"Okay. Why I wait can I use your laptop? I want to update my Facebook status and tell everyone how much I hate my best friend right now," she giggled while picking up my MacBook. 

"Do whatever you want," I shouted through the door. 

"Thanks, I was gonna use it anyway," she laughed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2012 ⏰

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