Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

West Haven, Connecticut  

Three Years Ago

"Hey, Brenna, wait up! You just left the restaurant with no warning, you didn't even say goodbye," he yelled after me. I'd only known the guy for two weeks and he'd already made it obvious he wasn't very patient and didn't like to be ignored.  

"Sorry, can't stop. Have to get home and get dressed. I'm going to a party tonight," I yelled back. I didn't slow my pace down. 

"Brenna, I just want to ask you something."  

I finally stopped walking and turned around. The look on his face was sexy and completely irresistible. God, he was hot.  

When he'd caught up to me his breathing was so heavy he could hardly talk.  

"Yo-u jus-t took off-f," he managed to get out. 

"Yeah, sorry. As I said, got things to do."  

He was still panting.  

"You okay, old man?" I asked with a grin. 

"Yeah, just fine no thanks to you," he panted. "And I'm not that old."  

"You keep telling yourself that," I laughed. 

"I will. You're a cheeky little thing aren't you?"  

"I just know how to look after myself." 

"So... Miss Brenna Larson, um... what are your plans for this weekend?" 

"Well, Mr. Elijah Jackson," I mocked. "I have the beach party tonight with people from school. Tomorrow I plan on spending all day in bed to recover from my hangover. And Sunday my dad unfortunately wants to spend the day together as a family."  

The corners of his perfect lips quirked upwards. I wonder what it would be like to kiss them. I quickly looked away, shaking away the thought.  

"Hangover? You're sixteen, you shouldn't even be drinking," he said smugly. 

His eyes so dark and beautiful burned into mine. They told me he was trouble. Did I really want to get involved with a guy like that?  

We'd only met when he came into my parent's restaurant; he was lost and wanted directions to a hotel. We'd started talking and found out we had a lot in common. One of those things being we were both good at sarcasm. 

"And are you gonna stop me, old man, coz I was thinking if you liked you could come to that party with me tonight. That's if you're not too old for that sort of thing," I said with a grin. 

"Isn't the guy supposed to ask the girl out?" 

"Sorry, have I killed that male ego of yours?" 

"No, I'm a man of the twenty-first century. But I was gonna ask you if you wanted to see a movie or something." 

"Well, I'll tell you what, since you already look awesome in your black jeans and tight tee why don't you come back to my house and you can watch a movie while I get dressed?" I said smiling seductively. 

"Sure, that sounds great," he grinned. 

I took out my key and when we reached the front door Elijah stood casually beside me. After fighting with the door for several seconds I finally won.  

As I walked into my house with him following, Christopher came running up to me. Chris was my eight year old little brother, and like any normal little brother he liked to annoy me. 

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