Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Three Years Ago

It was late spring and today the weather was rather humid and hot despite not being summer yet. My mother had a few errands to run and my dad was at a ball game with Chris. Therefore, I was stuck running the restaurant for a few hours.  

The busy lunch period had just ended and I was taking this as an opportunity to relax and finally eat something myself. I was sat on a bar stool behind the main counter, a beer in one hand and flicking through a magazine with the other. And my leftover sandwich crusts in front of me.  

I sensed someone standing in front of me, but I decided to ignore them. I knew it was a guy, his aftershave smelt amazing even with the slight smell of cigarette smoke it was masking. I wondered if he was hot but his close proximity and silence was making me uncomfortable. If he wanted something why didn't he just ask?  

"Hey, do you work here?" he finally asked me. God, his voice was sexy.  

"No, I'm just sitting here because I feel like it. And I'm wearing this ugly blue shirt with Larson's Bar and Diner written on it because I think it looks so attractive on me," I mocked not looking up from my magazine. 

"It does," he said laughing. 

"Excuse me?" I said slightly annoyed. But I had no idea why I felt that way.  

When I looked up a tall, muscular guy with dark messy hair, even darker eyes and a sexy smile that read danger stood before me. I couldn't help but look at him. The way his shirt clung to his toned chest, his full sexy lips. He was beautiful. His face was so perfect, sexy and alluring but at the same time kind and friendly.  

I found myself drawn to his lips and I wondered what it would be like to kiss him. I shook my head, realising that I was gawking at him and I quickly looked away. I was totally embarrassed.  

"The shirt, it looks good on you, especially with your amazing blue eyes," he smiled. His voice truly was amazing. I needed him to speak again, he didn't seem real.  

Suddenly, my brain registered his words. Had he just complemented me? The hottest guy to ever walk in here had just complimented me. He was probably just being sarcastic but it didn't matter, I didn't care, he'd still noticed my eyes. The sexiest guy ever had noticed me. I could feel my cheeks burning.  

"Um, thanks," I finally managed to stutter. "Can I get you anything?" 

"Yeah, just a root beer thanks." 

I got his drink and continued to make small talk with him. "Um, I haven't seen you around here before."  

"That would be because I haven't been here before," he said as I handed him his drink. "Thanks. Anyway, even if I had been here before you probably wouldn't have seen me, I'm a hard guy to track down. I don't tend to stay in one place for very long."  

Damn it, the guy clearly had commitment issues, or tired of the same things quickly. That had just ruined my plans of making him my boyfriend... 

"That's no good," I grumbled, sitting back on the stool. 

A grin appeared on his face. "And why would that be?" he said playfully. 

My face was so hot I thought it might explode. Crap! Why did I just say that out loud? I needed to get a hold of myself. He was just a guy; I'd flirted with many of them before him.  

"Don't listen to me, I'm crazy, I say weird things all the time," I said, circling my fingers at each side of my head signifying that I wasn't normal.  

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