Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Thirty One Months Ago

I was getting my bag from my locker when I sensed someone beside me. I looked around the locker door to find Mallory smiling her fake smile and looking as orange and plastic as ever. 

"Hey, Bren, you okay? You've been acting strange with me for what, four months now, every time I try to talk to you you're too busy with your new boyfriend and it seems like you're avoiding me. I'm sorry about what happened with Mason at the beach party a few months back. It was awful of him and I realised I never asked you if you were okay..." 

I cut her off. "Don't, Mallory, don't even dare pretend like you care. Mason is a jackass but you... you're even worse." 

"I haven't done anything. That's what I don't get. All summer you ignored me and I thought when school started things would be better again. But I guess Elijah is a better option than me. I thought you were my friend." She was so fake; she made me want to hit her. 

"Mallory, me and you have never been friends, we just put up with each other for our popularity." 

"You're right and that I will never understand. Why do people like you more than me? You've always been on top, always, and you don't even try. People just love you. And me, I was the best friend of Brenna, the porcelain doe-eyed beauty. But I've always been good to you, so what's with the coldness?" She looked down at the floor acting like she was upset! 

"Don't act dumb, Mallory, and don't you dare blame me or Eli. I saw you, Mallory. Do you seriously have no self respect? The guy wants one thing and one thing only. You knew what mason did to me and less than an hour later you were making out with him. But even worse, last week at the BBQ party I saw you with him again. So, don't pretend like you're my friend or act like you're mad about the time I'm spending with Eli just because you're jealous of me," I spat. 

"Bren, I'm not jealous, I hate what has happened between us..."  

"Don't, lie, you hate me, you always have and you always will. You envy how all the guys want me, and my natural beauty and my easy personality but that I don't get 'cause you're gorgeous too. You just hide behind slutty clothes and hideous makeup." She looked at me surprised. "I don't want to hear what you have to say, both you and Mason are pathetic and you both deserve each other." I slammed the locker door shut and stormed down the corridor.  

I walked out of school annoyed but a huge smile appeared on my face when I saw Elijah waiting for me in his car. I instantly forgot about Mason and Mallory. I didn't need either of them. I had Elijah my hotter older boyfriend. Boyfriend! I loved saying that.  

He had the window rolled down and a cigarette in his hand.  

I sat in the passenger seat and raised my eyebrows. "You should quit."  

"Really? Why? Are cigarettes like bad for you or something?" he said eyeing me playfully.  

"Don't make a joke, they are and you know it."  

"Okay, fine," he grimaced sounding like a small child. He took one last drag exaggerating the movement to annoy me then he threw the cigarette out of the window. He started the car and pulled away. "So, what do you want to do?"  

"Homework, I have an English essay, its only the second week I don't want to slack yet, plus, math is so much harder this year, I'm gonna need to do some extra studying or I don't think I'm ever going to get it." 

"No, no homework, its Friday, no school tomorrow, so tonight is me and you time. Plus, your parents and your brother aren't due back from your grandparents till early morning, we have the house to ourselves," he said with a smirk.  

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