Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Cascata Island 

Two Years Ago

"You hate being away from her don't you?" Xavier remarked. Xavier was one of Cascata's main guards, he was tall and thin with blonde hair and brown eyes. He talked too much, asked too many questions and had to know everyone's business. Yet, although, he was annoying pretty much most of the time, he was Elijah's best friend.  

"No, I'm fine, she's just a doppelganger, I'm only with her because I have to be," Elijah said and he lifted the bottle of liquor to his lips again. 

Xavier shook his head. "That's not true, mate, and you know it. You may not want to listen but you're gonna hear me out no matter if you're drunk or not." 

"Come on then, tell me what you're thinking," he said slightly annoyed. 

"I don't think you should be her collector. It's gonna backfire big-time, man, because you're actually in love with the girl. Admit it." 

He wasn't going to admit it. Not here. Not to Xavier. Not to no one. He wouldn't let them find out. He could not put her in anymore danger than she already was. And he couldn't bear the thought of her with anyone but him. 

"No, there's nothing to admit. I'm her collector, and I'm just looking out for her because it's my job to. End of story." 

Xavier laughed so hard he snorted. He moved his finger in front of Elijah's face. "You, my friend, are so good at lying to yourself; you're actually starting to believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth. She's the queen's doppelganger don't do this to yourself. There is no future for you and her." 

"I don't know what you're talking about, Xav," he said taking another swig of scotch.  

Xavier suddenly grabbed the bottle from his limp hands. "Stop it! You say you don't care about her, yet, you're sitting here drinking yourself silly. You're in deep shit man, and I feel for you, her eighteenth birthday is getting closer and closer every day. I mean, have you slept with the girl? What's the rules on that?" 

"I'm not talking to you about that," he snapped.  

"And that, my friend, is my answer. Yes you have. Lucky git. I think it's a little creepy, you know, with her looking like the queen and all, but from the pictures I've seen of her on your phone she's pretty hot and I'd say even more beautiful than any doppelganger I've seen. She's a cheerleader, and those blue eyes and her mouth is so sexy, wow..." 

Elijah suddenly shoved him knocking the bottle out of his hand. It smashed on the ground with a loud bang. "You went through my phone, that's creepy, mate, and don't talk about her like that," he growled. 

"Why? Because she's yours?" Xavier goaded.  

Elijah grabbed him by his shirt. "Wait a second, you haven't gone to Lane or Aiden with this, have you? Or even worse Godric? Coz if you have..." 

"No, I haven't, mate, you're my best friend, I wouldn't want you to be killed, but come on, what are you gonna do in eight months time when they want her?  

Elijah didn't answer; he just continued to glare at him. 

"Your answer should be nothing. You can't do nothing and you can't help her when that date arrives. I just want you to see sense, Elijah, you can't keep her forever. You might as well get that in your head and get over her." 

Elijah let go of his shirt. "What if I can't, Xav," he sighed. 

"Well, you're gonna have to mate. I'm not losing my best mate over something so stupid. She's just like any other girl; you've been collecting them for over two hundred years. You've done this so many times before. Brenna has been fated to this ever since the day she was born. Please, I beg you, Eli, let her go."

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