Chapter 3

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Longer Chapter this time. Hope you like it :D

Chapter 3

"Hey, Bren, Earth to Brenna. Hello, Brenna Larson."  

"Huh?" I asked shaking my head to wake myself from my daydream. I looked up and realised I was still in the restaurant leaning against the front counter. The room was almost empty and Sammie's face was only inches from mine, her hand waving in front of me.  

"Have you listened to anything I've said?" she frowned. 

Samantha Knight, aka Sammie, had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. Like me she was pale and slender, however, she was a lot taller than my five foot two with brown eyes and dirty blonde hair. Things for a long time weren't easy for us, I became popular in junior high but she was never accepted into the group. However, through thick and thin she had always been my real best friend.  

"Thank goodness, you've joined the real world," she smiled sarcastically.  

"You're so funny, Sammie... but yeah I'm sorry, I'm not feeling like myself today. I've got a lot on my mind."  

"You don't say. You've been in this trancelike state all day, it's like I'm working your shift and mine. And we were already one down with Lucia being ill today. It's a good thing we're closing up in twenty minutes. What's up with you?" 

I didn't want to tell her I'd had a fight with Elijah as like my mom, she'd never approved of him very much. I decided to tell her about the almost kiss with Penn, maybe she could help me with how crappy I was feeling right now. 

"Babe, are you gonna tell me?" she asked rubbing my back soothingly. "Is it Elijah, I've always told you he's trouble."  

"No, it's not Eli," I said a little more harshly than I'd intended.  

"Okay, woman, calm down, I was just asking." 

"Sorry... is my mom around?" 

"No, she's gone to pick your little brother up from your grandparents' house. She left us the keys to lock up. Why?" 

I sighed. "It's almost ten, let's just finish up here and then I'll tell you." 

Suddenly, the door opened and in walked my worst nightmare... Mallory Jones. 

Great, as if I didn't already have enough to deal with. 

"Here comes the bitch," Sammie said under her breath.  

Mallory stood in front of the counter, smiling smugly with her bad fake tan; she looked like an orange, sticking her large breasts out which were squished into a tight top and her face covered in way too much make-up.  

She flicked her badly dyed blonde hair. "Hello, losers," she sniggered. "I'd like a latte to go, pronto, I have a party to be at, Mason is picking me up at ten sharp... oh, wait a second, sorry you weren't invited were you, oops," she mocked. 

"Yeah, like we'd want to go to a party full of skanks anyway. We have better things to do with our lives," Sammie said. 

Mallory snorted. "Like what? Working in this dump? Have you forgotten, Brenna used to be one of us, she used to be cool, she used to be the first invited to every party before her daddy died, then she just became sad and pathetic... a bit like you really." She turned to me. "For god's sakes, Brenna, it's been two years, he's dead, the dude killed himself there's nothing you can do. Just get over it." 

I could feel my tears welling up inside. I bit my lip I couldn't let her get to me. 

"That was too far, Mallory," Sammie snapped. 

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