Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Cascata Island  

Present Day

I realised I was smiling to myself. "He took me away for the weekend," I whispered. "We'd been arguing and when we made up he offered to take me to Florida for the weekend. That was how he got me away the day of my eighteenth birthday. He really does love me... he saved me." 

Suddenly, I was thrown to the floor. "Yes, but he can't save you now," he spat.  

Scared, I scooted backwards on my bottom, the carpet burned my bare legs but at that moment I didn't notice, my brain was just telling me to get as far away from him as I could. But I didn't get very far before I was stopped when my back hit the bed behind me.  

He laughed and looked down at me his eyes dark and cruel. "Brenna. Brenna, Brenna," he mocked. "Perfect aren't you and your name even more so." He crouched down in front of me. "I've heard people say it means 'raven haired maiden', 'raven beauty', 'pure', also 'little drop of water'." He ran his thumb over my lip. "Kind of ironic isn't it? A drop of water can save a life... a drop of poison can end one..."  

Suddenly, without any warning, before I could react, he shoved some kind of liquid into my mouth. It tasted like aniseed and I gagged. He roughly held onto my face with his large hand holding my head straight. I couldn't move. He abruptly stood up. "Once that reaches your blood stream you'll be quiet," he laughed darkly.  

He crossed the room, stopping in the doorway and turned back round to face me. "Don't even bother trying to escape, Brenna, this place is guarded in every possible way." He slammed the door behind him. I was now alone.  

I realised I was now shaking. What had he done to me? What had he given me? My arms and legs felt like jelly. Nothing felt attached to me. I had no control over any of my movements.  

I slowly got up from the floor and sat on the bed. I felt something beneath me and noticed a white night gown. I pulled it from under me.  

Still in nothing but the underwear I pulled it over my head. It was beautiful and looked like something a well-off girl would have worn in the 1800s.  

As I leaned back against the large pillows my eyes felt extremely heavy. But I could not fall asleep. I couldn't. I tried to fight my closing eyelids but it was no use. Whatever he had given me was shutting down my whole body.  

I couldn't move my arms and legs... I wasn't sure whether I could even feel them. And as hard as I tried to fight this it was useless and eventually I was pulled completely under into unconsciousness. And I saw his perfect face... Elijah. He would come for me... He had to.

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