Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Cascata Island  

Present Day

Penn walked towards us, his face dark and his posture confident. His green eyes locked on mine. 

"Just stay away from her," Elijah growled shoving me behind him. 

"Elijah, mate, I'm not here to cause trouble," he said holding his hands up in surrender.  

"What the hell! That's exactly what you're here to do. You are the one who sent her here in the first place, you planted that book in my bag, you put things into her head, you tried to turn her against me, and I was so stupid in not realising who you were from the start. For a year, you've been making sly little digs about me, about where I go, and what I do. Making her question and mistrust me more and more..."  

"Well, that's what they sent me for, you weren't exactly doing your job when you fell in love with her and decided to keep her for yourself," he said with a sly grin. "So, be smart, Elijah, and just help me out here." 

Elijah looked at me and his features had contorted into an angry mask. He turned back to Penn. "Help you out! Who the hell do you think you are? You're a stupid clueless human," he said his voice blunt and demanding.  

"Look, Elijah, I..." 

Elijah cut him off. "No, just look at the state of her. Look what they've all done to her... including you. Her body is meant to be treated like the queen's temple; yet, every single one of you abused her in one way or another. You're a bunch of hypocrites. Bren is not a toy for all you dirty pathetic idiots to do what you like with." He was now practically screaming at Penn. "No matter what, you do not hit a woman, I'm not proud of who I am or what I've done but one think I can say is I have never hit a woman. I have an idea, why don't I show you what it feels like, why don't I beat you freaking senseless." 

Suddenly, Elijah pushed me back against the wall and before I could stop him he punched Penn in the face. He punched Penn twice more knocking him to the ground but he didn't stay down long. 

"Please, guys, don't do this," I begged but they both ignored me. 

Once on his feet, Penn grabbed Elijah by the shoulders and shoved him against the wall. He held onto his shirt holding him firmly against it. "You're being an idiot, Elijah, you can't help her, she is the queen's doppelganger. She's been fated to this since the day she was born," he said harshly pointing at me.  

Elijah being much taller than Penn effortlessly pushed away from his grip. "I'm not the one who's stupid here, Penn."  

"You don't understand," Penn said blankly 

"Oh, trust me, I understand," Elijah mocked, walking back to my side and pulling me tightly against him. 

"I need her, if I don't follow through, I'll be banished..." 

Elijah chuckled darkly. "You'll be more than banished. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you, man? You're so bloody blind, you're just a human, once they're done with you, you'll be nothing but a pile of ash," Elijah spat. 

"Elijah, that was harsh," I said. 

"No, it's the truth, Bren, he's just as ill-fated as you are, he's just so stupid he can't see it." 

"Elijah, it's you who's being stupid in all this. I mean, be real, your people will kill you too if you try and get her out of here." 

"So be it, there would be no point in living if I didn't have, Bren. You, either way, you're a dead man." 

"No, if Brenna's body is successfully given to the queen, I will be granted permission to live here. My lifespan will double." 

"You are so stupid," Eli scoffed.  

I pulled out of Elijah's arms and slowly approached Penn. 

"Bren?" Eli said pulling me back. 

"It's okay, he needs to hear this from me," I said gently. "You're here, he won't try anything." 

Elijah sighed but let go of me. 

"Penn, listen to me, as soon as the queen's soul is in my body you will be killed. They only used you; no human has ever stayed here. They don't allow it. Elijah is telling the truth, Godric told me too. I'm so sorry but whatever they told you is a lie." 

I felt Elijah behind me and he pulled me into his chest, his arms around my waist. 

"You really want to talk about lies, I've got a great one for you," Penn laughed darkly. 

"Go on then, amuse us," Elijah mocked. 

"I'm guessing your perfect Elijah here has never told you about his family." 

"He just said he doesn't get on with them and I respect that." 

"And why doesn't he get on with them? Now you know who he really is, think about it." 

I took a step towards Penn but Elijah grabbed my wrist pulling me back to him. "Don't listen to him." 

"Let go of me," I snapped. "What are you saying, Penn?" 

"He's never told you what his family does, the reason why they don't approve of him. He hasn't even told you their names." 

"What does that matter? He doesn't like them and doesn't want to talk about them." 

"The reason his father doesn't approve of him, Bren, is because Elijah is weak, he's too kind, he has too much of a conscience when it comes to you humans. Then falling in love with you that tipped his father over the edge. Elijah has disgraced everyone in Cascata. And the main reason being Elijah is Godric's son and his brother is Lane." 

I instantly turned to face Elijah. "What? Is he telling the truth?" I cupped my mouth in shock. "Please tell me he is lying, Elijah." 

Elijah just stood staring back at me, his face blank.  

"Answer me," I demanded, shoving against his chest.  

Penn laughed. "He can't, he has nothing to say because it's the truth."

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