Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Cascata Island  

Present Day

Xavier! I knew who Xavier was. Elijah had told me about him. With all my might I pulled away from the bald man's grip and ran over to Xavier. He didn't look at me as I stopped in front of him. 

"Xavier, please help me, you're Elijah's best friend, he's mention you to me. Please," I begged as I grabbed at his arms. I was desperate.  

"I can't do anything to help you," he said and he shoved me away from him. "I warned Elijah." 

"You have to..." 

Suddenly, without warning, I was thrown over the other man's shoulder, my body hanging carelessly down his back. I nearly vomited from the pain in my chest. 

"Leave, Xav, alone, he already cares too much about you." 

He continued down the dark corridor, walking in big strides, not caring when I hit against his back with too much force.  

Suddenly, I saw a dim light as we got closer to end of the long passageway. Seconds later, we reached some steps and at the top I was blinded by pure daylight. The first sunlight I'd seen in over a day. I blinked against the brightness. 

As he carried me across a stone courtyard, I couldn't believe how beautiful this place was. It was breathtaking. Miles of magnificent coastline, golden beaches, rolling countryside, and spectacular cliffs all around us. I couldn't believe this beauty had been hiding from me in that dark room.  

We stopped in front of a small but stunning building. The beautiful stone looked like white marble or something of that sort with an amazing glass door and matching windows. But I had a feeling what the building contained would be the total opposite of its amazing exterior.  

Xavier opened the door to reveal a long white corridor. And as we stepped inside both the colour and the smell reminded me of a hospital... I had a feeling to some extent that was exactly what it was.  

We finally reached a door labelled examination room. And I was scared to think about what was coming.  

In less than five seconds the bald man yanked me from his shoulder, opened the door and I was shoved into the room. I landed on a tan carpet, my hands burning as there scrapped against the rough surface.  

Suddenly, the bald man pulled me to my feet. He pushed me backwards and hands firmly grabbed my upper arms. I was spun around and came face to face with another man. He stared at me, a curious expression on his face.  

His dark eyebrows furrowed beneath his black greasy hair which hung to his eyes and swept across his wide forehead. His cheekbones were high and chiselled his eyes a blank grey and his jaw too square. His muscles quivered as his jaw clenched. In human years, he looked about thirty, but who knew how old he was in this unnatural creepy place.  

My arms were still held tightly in his strong hands. As he stared at me I felt his large fingers close around my bones and muscles even more and I thought my arms were going to snap. He was clearly showing me that this gesture was one of domination and power and it terrified me. However, I wasn't going to show him my fear. I wasn't going to show him I was weak.  

"Thank you, Xavier and Aiden. You have both done well. I will let the queen know. Is Elijah the pathetic traitor still in quarantine?" he laughed.  

My heart raced even more at the mention of Elijah's name. Was he okay? Were they hurting him? The darkness in the man's laugh was unnerving and I had to admit I was scared. I feared for both me and Eli. 

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