Chapter 7

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Roman's POV
Today me and the girls are gonna have a daddy-daughter day at Disneyland. Dean didn't want to go because he wanted to train for his match against Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. I know I should be training for mine but I wanted to spend some time with my baby girls. Plus I promised them I will take them if wwe was in California which is today. Vince gave me and Dean some time off so I'm spending most of my time with Dean and my baby girls. Right now I'm trying to get the girls to wake up since the park opens at 10:30 (just guessing) and the girls wanted to get there early. I walked into their room that they share together and ripped Taylor's blanket off of her and did the same to Joelle. They immediately woke up and glared at me. "Do you guys want to go to Disneyland or not" I asked which made them jump up and run to the bathroom. I chuckled at them and went into mine and Dean's room to change into the clothes Dean wanted me to wear today. After I took a shower and got dressed the girls came running into the room dressed in the clothes Dean wanted them to wear. "Ready girls" I said which made them nod their heads quickly. "Then let's go" I said before we all walked out of the room and hotel to get in my rental car and I drove away from the hotel and towards Disneyland. The girls were in backseat almost jumping from the excitement they had. After 30 minutes we finally got there right before they opened. The girls fell asleep so I had to wake them up. They didn't want to put up a fight with me and quickly got out of the car with me following behind them. After a few rides and meeting some Disney characters we decided it was a long day and got in the car and drove off. We got something to eat and I parked the car in the hotel parking lot and noticed the girls fell asleep again. I called Dean and he immediately walked outside to get Taylor from the car while I got Joelle. We carried them to the elevator and once it got to our room floor we carried them to our room and put them to bed before going to bed ourselves. Dean kissed my lips right when I was about to fall asleep. "Love you Roman" he said. "Love you too Dean" I said before he cuddled up to me and we fell asleep.

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