Chapter 20

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Roman's POV
Lately I've been feeling sick and having stomach cramps. Naomi got me a pregnancy test.

"Here take this" she said pushing me into my bathroom.

I did the instructions on the box and immediately the results were shown.

"How am I pregnant" I muttered under my breath.

"Maybe you have some female parts that you never knew about" Naomi said.

"But with how many times me and Dean had sex, how did I not get pregnant from those times" I asked.

"Maybe you were born with them and they finally came out with how many times you and Dean had rough sex" Naomi said.

I chuckled before Dean walked in.

"I'm home" he yelled.

"Dad" the girls said running up to him.

"What's that, Roman" he asked noticing the pregnancy test in my hand.

"Um it's a pregnancy test and you might want to look at the results" I said giving the pregnancy test to him.

He looked at it before looking at Naomi.

"She's pregnant" he asked.

"No I am" I said.

"You're pregnant" he said shocked.

"Yeah I guess I can get pregnant after all" I said.

He pulled me into a hug before we pulled our girls into the hug.

"I want a baby brother" Carmen said.

"Well it might be a girl or boy but you girls just have to wait" I said.

"Who wants to tell aunt Sasha" Dean asked.

"Tell me what" Sasha asked walking in.

"Well I'm pregnant" I said.

"Aww congratulations you two" she said with a huge smile on her face.

"No matter what the gender is, I'll always love it" Joelle said.

"It's going to be a girl" Taylor said.

"No it's going to be a boy" Carmen said.

"Girls don't fight, just remember to love no matter if it's a girl or a boy" Dean said.

"I agree with your dad" I said.

"Okay daddy" Taylor and Carmen said before I smirked at Dean.

"You know I can take care of them while you guys have your sexy time" Sasha said.

"Please" Dean said.

"Yay we get to have some fun with aunt Sasha" Joelle said before the girls walked out with Sasha.

Dean pinned me against a wall before we started making out.

I think you guys know what happened from there.

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