Chapter 16 Goblin Town

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Down into the dark fell Kagome and the Company. Sliding down the tunnel getting battered and bruised until finally, they landed. Kagome looked around and was seriously grossed out.  It looked like they had landed in the middle of an underground dump. They were suddenly rushed by a bunch of tiny creatures.

"Ah! What the heck are these things?!" Kagome asks as a bunch slimy, filthy creatures began to grab at her and pull her away.

"Goblins, Lass," Balin answers as he tries to fight them off.

"Goblins! Ew gross, get your hands off me, you disgusting creature!" Kagome screams as she slaps their hands away.

She brings her spiritual powers into her hands and begins to purify the Goblins closest to her. They back off but only for a minute. One of the Goblins manages to grab her by the hair and pull her down. Kagome cries out in pain as she reaches for her hair, another takes advantage and ties her hands behind her back. They begin to drag Kagome by her hair. Thorin tried to fight them off of Kagome.

"Release her, you filth!" But he was soon overpowered by their sheer number of Goblins.

The Company is being whipped and shoved along the walkways, leading them further into Goblin Town. The Goblins finally stop dragging Kagome by the hair and drop her. Thorin gets Kagome to her feet, though she has some difficulty with her hands tied behind her back.

"Are you alright, Kagome?" Thorin asks, in a concerned tone.

Kagome looks at him, tears welling up in her eyes and nods. "I'm fine, Thorin, don't worry about me. My head hurts, that's all." She tells him as they continue their journey further into Goblin Town.

"Where are they taking us?" Kagome asks as she is being prodded in the back by a Goblin with a sharp stick. None of the Goblins want to get close to her after what they saw her do earlier.

Finally, they are brought one of the foulest creatures Kagome has ever seen. He was a large being with pink skin covered in boils and sores, oozing foul smelling pus. He had big bug eyes and a large goiter. The stench that was rolling off of him was unbearable. Aside from the smell of infection and disease, he also smelled like a portable toilet that had not been emptied in a week. He was dressed in only a loincloth. As they were forced closer to the Goblin King, the stench got worse, Kagome was getting the dry heaves from how horrible the stench was.  

All of their weapons were taken away from them and piled up before the Goblin King. "Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies, thieves, assassins?!" The Goblin King demanded to know.

"Dwarves your malevolence, and a human female."

The Goblin King looked at them in surprise, "Dwarves and a human female?!"

One of the goblins bowed his head and answered, "We found them on the front porch."

The Goblin King looked at each Dwarf until his eyes finally landed on Kagome, he licked his dry chapped lips. Kagome shuttered in disgust.

"A very pretty female at that. Tell me, what would a beauty like you be doing with these Dwarves?"

One of the Goblins pushes Kagome forward making her fall to her knees. She looked up at the Goblin King, raising her chin in defiance. "It's none of your business."

The Goblin King smirks, "Oh everything that goes on in my kingdom is my business, young lady, now you will tell me or suffer the consequences."

The Dwarves tried to make up some story that would satisfy the Goblin King, but they failed. Until finally the Goblin had enough. "Shut up! If they will not talk, we'll make them squawk. Bring up the Mangler, bring up the Bone Breaker. Start with the little female."

The Goblins began to prod Kagome forward, they cut her bonds to tie her on the Mangler. But the minute they did that she threw her hands up and created a barrier around herself. The Goblins attacked her and were purified into ash as they came into contact with her barrier. The Goblin King looked on in fascination. He stumbles off his throne and begins to hit the barrier with his staff trying to break it. Thorin breaks away from the others that have been holding him back.


The Goblin King looked up to notice who it was that had spoken. "Well, well, well, look who it is. Thorin son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under The Mountain." The Goblin King said with a very condescending bow.

"Oh, but I'm forgetting you don't have a mountain and you're not a King. Which makes you nobody, really. I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just ahead, nothing attached. An old enemy of yours, a pale Orc astride a white Warg."

Thorin glared at the Goblin King, "Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He died in battle long ago."

The Goblin gave Thorin an evil smirk. "So you think his defiling days are done, do you? Send word to the pale Orc, tell him I have found his prize. Oh and that I have another gift, a tasty looking human female that just happens to be a priestess."

Kagome's eyes went wide and she gasps at finding out that the Goblin King knew what she was. The Goblin Kings eyes swivel to look at her. "Don't look at me so surprised, girl. Elves are not the only creatures who are familiar with your kind." I'm sure the pale Orc may pay even more for you than Oakenshield and if not, you shall provide us with a feast worthy of… me." The Goblin King says laughing at his own joke.

Kagome rolled her eyes and huffs, was it always going to be like this? Villians either wanting to eat her or rape her, she was getting pretty tired of it.

"In the meantime, let's tenderize this tasty morsel, tie her to the Mangler" The Goblin king ordered.

Kagome was prodded toward the Mangler, while the Dwarves tried to get to her. Then suddenly there was a flash of bright white light, that knocked everyone over. And out of the light stepped Gandalf. "Take up arms, fight, Fight!"

With that, the Dwarves and Kagome lunged for their weapons. Kagome reached her Katana just in time to turn around and slice the head off an oncoming Goblin. Thorin quickly reaches Kagome's side and helps her stand.

The Dwarves fight their way through the swarm of Goblins following Gandalf. Running down walkways, trying to find a way out. Kagome directs her spiritual powers through her sword so that with even the most minimal of contact with the Goblins, they would be purified into dust. They ran down the walkways of Goblin-town stabbing and slashing their way through. At one point a Goblin began shooting arrows at them, Kagome quickly knocked an arrow into her bow and shot the goblin through the eye.

They quickly made their escape riding down a large scaffolding that had collapsed under their weight. Upon crashing at the bottom they extricated themselves from the rubble and made their escape from oncoming Goblin Horde. They ran through the forest trying to get as far away from the mountains as possible. Once they stopped it was then they noticed that Bilbo was missing. Kagome flared her aura in order to search for the little Hobbit while Thorin complained about him.

Suddenly Kagome felt him, "It's alright, Thorin, Bilbo is right here." Kagome says.

"Bilbo Baggins I've never been happier to see anyone in all my life," Gandalf says with a sigh of relief.

"How on earth did you get past the Goblins?" Fili asked Bilbo started to get a bit nervous. 

"It doesn't matter how he did it, the point is that he did," Kagome says as she walks up to Bilbo and gives him a great big hug.

Thorin's eyes narrow and he lets out a growl. He walks over and pulls Kagome off of him. She gives Thorin an odd look. "It matters, I want to know," Thorin states as he pulls Kagome into his embrace.

"No, Thorin, it really doesn't, he's back and we are all back together again."

Thorin was about to argue with her when they suddenly heard the howling of Wargs. An alarmed look comes over Thorin's face. "Out of the frying pan." 

"And into the fire, run! RUN!" Gandalf yells.

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