The Truth

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Sharppaw gazed around the sleeping camp, she slowly made her way across the clearing and past the guards, slipping into the dark woods. She made her way to the Fourtrees where the battle had taken place, she scanned the area until her eyes fell on a small black cat lying in the middle of the field. She made her way over to it weaving through bodies of cats, that were left unburied. She gazed down at the lifeless body, and realized something. She looked down at her single white paw then his, something was familiar about this cat but she didn't know what.

Then a black glowing figure emerged from the body of the lifeless cat, she looked up at it with disbelief. "Wh-who are you?" She asked

The cat chuckled. "So this is my daughter?"

"What! I don't even know who you are!" Sharppaw exclaimed.

"I'm Scourge, and you are?"


"What an odd and pathetic name."

Sharppaw let out a low growl. "It's not pathetic. And besides what kind of name is Scourge!"

Scourge began to circle her. "I like your spirit, you'll do nicely."

Sharppaw kept moving trying to meet his gaze. "Would you like to tell me why you're here!"

"I'll tell you when you're ready."

"Well then what was the point of all this!" Sharppaw groaned.

"I just wanted to see cat who will finish my job."

"So I'm just gonna do all the dirty work-" Sharppaw stopped mid sentence Scourge had vanished. "WOW! You're just gonna leave me here! Alone! With absolutely no clue as to what happened!"

She marched over to his lifeless body and prodded him with her paw. "Come back!"

Sharppaw stopped, she glanced at the body and saw a shredded up collar a few mouse lengths away. She walked over to it and poked it. "Fox dung!" She shouted when she pricked a pad on one of the sharp dog teeth.

She looked over her shoulders at Scourge's body and sighed. She walked over to a clear area and began to scratch at the ground. After digging a hole she struggled with the task of dragging his body into the hole. She finished the job by throwing his collar into the hole watching as it landed on his face.

After covering the hole with dirt, she was about to head home until out of the corner of her eye she spotted a dog tooth that had fallen off of the collar. She quickly grabbed it in between her teeth and made her way back to Thunderclan.

She sighed with relief when most of the cats weren't awake, she snuck into the apprentice den and hid the dog tooth under some moss hoping no one would find it. She curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

She awoke to the sound of her sister "Sharppaw wake up! Firestar just called a clan meeting" Sharppaws eyes flashed open and she stood up, she followed her sister out of the apprentice den and into the clearing, where she looked up at Firestar.

"I have come before you to tell about the battle." Sharppaws ears pricked up

"As you may have heard the forest was threatened by a cat named Scourge." He glanced nervously at Cinderpelt "And we will all remember those who lost their lives. You may have also heard that Graystripe is the new deputy of Thunderclan." There were murmurs of praise for Graystripe.

"Also on a lighter note I have made the decision to make two apprentices warriors." Sharppaw lowered her head, it was definitely going to be Mosspaw and Daisypaw. "Mosspaw Daisypaw will you please step forward."

Mosspaw proudly stepped forward before his leader, "You both shown strength and bravery and fought well. I, Firestar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices." Their eyes glistened in pride "Mosspaw,Daisypaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"Yes!" Mosspaw said proudly

"I do!" Daisypaw said more formally

"Then by the powers of Starclan I give you warrior names: Mosspaw, from this moment you will be known as Mossfur. Starclan honors your bravery and your strength,and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan." Mossfur gave Firestar the respective lick on the shoulder. Daisypaw sat there nervously.

"Daisypaw," Firestar continued,"From this moment forward you will be known as, Daisyheart. Starclan honors your bravery and your kind heart, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan." Daisyheart licked Firestar's shoulder and sat down next to Mossfur. The rest of the clan chanted their warrior names.

Sharppaw who was sitting in the back of the crow snorted. Kind heart! Daisyheart was far from kind!

She watched as the gathered cats left back to their normal lives, she watched as warriors gathered around Daisyheart and Mossfur. She lowered her head and stalked back to the apprentices den.

Firestar watched as his clan members left the clearing below the High Rock. Sharppaw caught his attention, was he being paranoid? He felt the same way for Bramblepaw, and he didn't end up like his father. Maybe she would be the same, she jumped off the rock and padded into his den.

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