Venom's Promise

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Fang was currently rubbing a poultice into a large wound on the side of Venom's flank. She had been helping Juniper heal the warriors after the fight with Thunderclan. The silver tom stirred in his sleep and Fang glanced around the area they were holding the wounded warriors. So many... all because of me. Fang thought.

"Fang?" Venom had woken up.

"Just go back to sleep Venom." Fang whispered.

"I heard what you said to Firestar... during the battle. Do we really have to fight?" Venom said.

"I don't think we can. We have too many injuries." 

"I'll fight." Venom stated.

Fang paused, Juniper was right, they would fight for her. "You don't have to. It's too risky and that wound on your-"

"It's fine. I've suffered far worse scratches from Scourge."  

"I just don't want to lose any more warriors." Fang said looking down at her paws.

Venom slowly made his way to a sitting position. "You don't have too. You can still try to make peace with the clans."

"I've already tried doing that. Firestar wouldn't listen, he said I was a threat that needs to be removed." 

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Venom asked looking outside of the den.

"Did you hear what I said?" Fang asked slightly annoyed.

Venom looked back at her. "Do you want to go for a walk?"

Fang shifted her paws, maybe the walk would clear her mind. "Sure. But as soon as your wound starts to hurt we are coming back."

"Fine with me." Venom stood waiting for Fang before walking out of the den.

It was nighttime the moon was in the middle of the sky and cast a silver light on the two cats as they walked down towards the river. Fang could start to hear the gentle rushing of water and waves slapping against the rocks.

"I've never seen a river before." Venom said.

"What? I thought Bloodclan stayed in Riverclan?" 

Venom shook his head. "No, I was in Shadowclan, I've never been here."

"Hmm, Its beautiful isn't it?" Fang asked as she watched the water.

Venom settled down in the pebble beach and stared at the waves. "It is."

Fang closed her eyes and felt the gentle breeze brush her fur. For a moment she felt calm, like everything was perfect. Like she was a warrior of Thunderclan along with her brother and sister, and her mother was alive and well proud of the way her daughter turned out. But the moment faded, it was replaced by those images of war, guilt started to fill her body, she didn't want to be responsible for all those deaths.

"Are you okay?" Venom asked snapping Fang out of her trance.

"I-I'm fine." Fang replied.

"There's something bothering you, I can tell." 

"Don't be silly I'm fine." Venom gave her one of those looks and Fang looked away from him. "Fine, my mother talked to me from Starclan, she told me about how I need to choose the right path and avoid war, but it seems I've chosen the wrong one."

"You're trying to protect your clan."

Fang lashed her tail. "No I'm not! I'm risking lives for what? To get revenge on my mother's death! It's a mouse-brained reason to start a war!"

"We all do things when we've lost someone or when we're hungry." Venom muttered.

Fang remembered their first meeting where he tricked her just so he could get a scrap of food. "I'm sorry. I'm just in a really hard position right now, and I don't even know if this is a battle worth fighting."

Venom leaned in towards Fang resting his tail on her shoulder. "Every battle is worth fighting, you will lose and gain something from all of them."

"I don't want to lose lives." Fang stated.

"You will lose lives, but we will fight with you till the end, or at least I will. I promise."

"Are you sure?"

"I promise."

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