Crashing a Gathering

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Fang awoke in a starless forest, The Dark Forest to be more specific. "No! Nope! No!" Fang shouted.

She batted at her face with her paw. "Wake up! Wake up!"

"That isn't going to do anything for you." A familiar voice sounded.

Fang whipped around to see Scourge. "I see you bothered to show up this time."

Scourge didn't seem to be amused, his eyes looked colder than usual. "What do you think you're doing?"


Scourge lashed his tail. "You're making my clan weak!"

"Actually I'm making it stronger!" Fang retorted.

"How? How does making Bloodclan just like those pathetic clan cats make it stronger?" He snarled.

"Well for one, they are actually starting to get along, something you couldn't do!"

"At least I wasn't as pathetic as you are!" Scourge hissed, his blue eyes blazing.

Fang unsheathed her claws, and dug them into the ground, she lowered herself into an attack position.

Scourge let out a purr of amusement. "You really are a pathetic leader."

Fang leapt at his her forepaw outstretched, just as she was about to hit his muzzle, he vanished. She felt a crushing weight on her, as Scourge pinned her to the ground. "Don't ever try to fight me again. You got that?"

"Yes." Fang rasped.

Scourge got off his daughter. "Good. Now you can go, and stop trying to make my clan weak."

Fang woke up it was still nighttime . She thought about what Scourge had said. Was she really making them weak? She shook the thought from her mind and slipped out from under the dumpster, and looked up into the sky. Full moon, the clans would be having a gathering.

She felt a pelt brush hers, she looked over to see Venom. She was surprised he still talked to her after he had broken his paw.

"Hello Venom. How's your paw?" She asked.

Venom looked down at his paw. "It's doing fine, Juniper managed to fix me up."

They had been lucky to find out about Juniper's knowledge of healing and herbs. Fang glanced in the direction of her den. "Oh that's nice." She looked back up at the moon. "Hey do you want to do something fun?" She asked.

He lifted up his head "Sure?"

She stood up and began walking out of the alley. "Follow me!" She waved her tail and continued walking.

Once they arrived at the Fourtrees, they stayed hidden in the undergrowth. Fang opened her jaws slightly, all the clans were there. She spotted Firestar, he was sitting with the other leaders.

"What are we doing here, there so many cats we can't beat them." Venom hissed silently.

"Who said we were attacking them." Fang responded.

Fang moved a bit closer to hear what Firestar was saying.

"Thunderclan is doing well. One of our apprentice's, Sharppaw, has left the clan. She will not be returning." Firestar announced. Fang looked at her paws as the other clan cats looked at each other and were muttering things.

She heard a snap, she whipped her head around it was Venom. "Be quiet or I'll turn you into crow food!" She snapped.

Her eyes widened with fear as a cat neared her hiding spot, it was a Windclan cat but Fang didn't know who. The cat saw her and grabbed her by the scruff and dragged her out of the undergrowth. There were gasps of fear and confusion.

Tallstar was the first to speak, "Deadfoot who is this?" Deadfoot dropped Fang.

"It was spying on us Tallstar." Fang stood up.

"I'm not an 'it' mouse brain!" She shook her pelt.

"Fang, what are you doing here?" Firestar asked.

Fang fluffed up her fur, Firestar remembered her name. "Well I am a leader aren't I?" She snickered.

Everyone stared at her, she didn't care. Then she felt a sharp pain in her head, and the world started to fade she only heard one thing after that.

"Cloudtail you mouse brain!" Then the world was gone.

[❆//the new leader]✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz