Fire and Fang

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"Firestar!" Firestar's ears perked up as he recognized Cinderpelt's yowl. He glanced at Sandstorm, who he was talking to before hearing Cinderpelt. "Firestar!" Cinderpelt called again.

Firestar bounded out of his den. "Cinderpelt what in the name of-" He was cut short as he spotted Cinderpelt sitting next to Splashfur who was laying on her side. Blood stained her neck fur. "What happened?" He asked approaching the two.

"I don't know." Cinderpelt said pressing cobwebs onto Splashfur's neck. "I saw her practically crawling to camp while I was out gathering herbs. I saw the neck wound and I immediately brought her here."

"Will she be alright?" Firestar said concerned for the well being of one of his clanmates.

Cinderpelt nodded her head. "The wound doesn't seem too deep, the bleeding has just about stopped. Though she'll have trouble speaking properly for a few days."

"Who would do this?" Firestar muttered.

"I don't know, but clearly whoever injured her didn't mean to kill her." Cinderpelt concluded removing a wad of blood soaked cobwebs from Splashfur's neck. 

Firestar looked at her. "What makes you think that?"

"How often do you see a warrior walk away from a blow to the neck and survive. Whoever did this was trying to make a statement." 

Firestar looked away from her, she made a valid point. But who would want to make a statement like that?


Fang let out a large yawn before she slipped underneath the dumpster where she slept. She had found a stream on her way back to Bloodclan after dealing with Splashfur, she washed her paws and took a small nap in a hollowed tree stump before coming back. She curled up into a ball resting her tail over her muzzle before closing her eyes.

Her bright blue eyes flicked open. She let out a sigh as she found herself once again in a dark forest. "Come out where ever you are hiding Scourge." She watched as her father emerged from the undergrowth. "Why do you insist on speaking with me every time I sleep?"

Scourge ignored her question. "I heard that Shadowpelt died."

Fang felt her neck fur rise. "As if you care. You weren't even there for her or her kits."

"I do care. I chose her to be my mate for a reason, it was her decision to go back to Thunderclan to raise our kits." Scourge replied.

Fang looked away from him. "Did you only bring me here to talk about Shadowpelt?"

Scourge chuckled. "Partly, I saw what you did to that cat yesterday."

"So? It was nothing." Fang began. "I let her go, she's probably dead now."

"That's where you're wrong. Turns out one of her clan mates found her, it won't be long before she tells Firestar what happened. So what are you going to do?"


Firestar was sitting in the medicine cat den, it had been a few sunrises since they had found Splashfur in the forest. Cinderpelt said that she was trying to speak, and had managed to tell her that Splashfur needed to tell Firestar something. 

"Splashfur... tell us what happened." Cinderpelt said gently.

"I-I was in the f-forest." Splashfur began, "There w-was a squirrel, and then s-she came."

"Who?" Firestar asked.

She looked at him with wide eyes. "Fang."  Cinderpelt glanced at Firestar, worry clouding her blue eyes. "She said that you were in t-trouble, for what you did to Shadowpelt."

Firestar stood up. "Thank you." He left the den.

"What did you do to Shadowpelt?" Cinderpelt asked walking out of the den.

"I exiled her... It felt like the right thing to do at the moment." Firestar replied.

"You don't think she'd actually start a war or anything?" Cinderpelt said worried.

Firestar shook his head. "No. Fang is smart she wouldn't do anything like that. She's probably mad, but for what reason?'

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