The Alliance

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Fang was watching her cats bustle around Windclans camp, they were building cages to hold the wounded Windclan warriors. She was feeling confident, today she and a couple of her cats were going  to try to make a alliance with  Shadowclan, and if they didn't accept it well then they would have the same fate as Windclan. She jumped down from the place she was sitting, she walked over to Venom who was sharing a rabbit with Bark.

"Do you two want to go to Shadowclan with me?" They both looked up at her, and nodded their heads. "Great! Follow me." She began walking out of Windclan camp. Luckily Shadowclan wasn't far away so the trip would be nice and quick.

Once they had reached the marshy lands, of Shadowclan territory a patrol of cats was closing in on them. Venom's fur began to bristle, but Fang touched her tail to his back signaling for him to calm down. The warrior known as Russetfur, stepped in front of Fang and hissed.

"What are you rogues doing on our territory!"

Fang looked at him "We would like to talk to your leader please."

"For what reason!"

"We would just simply like to talk, we mean no harm."

"Fine! You three follow me." Russetfur and the patrol lead Fang, Bark, and Venom to the camp. Russetfur stopped near what could possibly be the leaders den. Then Blackstar emerged from the den.

"What do you want?" Blackstar spat.

"We want to discuss a alliance." 

"For what?"

"You see Bloodclan just drove out and killed half Windclan, and we have much to offer you now. If you choose to fight with us then you will not only have to hunt on Shadowclan territory but Windclan territory. But if you choose not to fight with us then you will have the same fate as Windclan."

Blackstar looked at Russetfur who had narrowed his eyes. "Who will we be fighting then?"

"It's pretty obvious Thunderclan and Riverclan."

"What about Windclan?"

"I was just getting there, you see Bloodclan has captured half of Windclans warriors, so they are basically a bunch of queens and elders."

Blackstars worried expression was gone a replaced by a evil look. "Fine it's a agreement. Promise you won't attack my hunting patrols while they hunt in Windclan territory."

"Promise." Blackstar turned around ready to go back into his den "Oh, and one thing. You can't tell any cat other than your clan. It'll ruin the element of surprise." 

Fang left the camp. "Well that went well."

"I can't believe they agreed!" Bark exclaimed.

"You're really letting them hunt on Windclan territory?" Venom asked.

"Of course not. I'm going to make sure a patrol is always ready to scare off the prey." Fang stated.

"Wouldn't that be lying?" Bark asked worriedly.

"Yes, but the whole hunting was leverage. I'm not looking to become friends, I just want them to fight for us." 

"You're sure this will work?" 

Fang swished her tail. "I know this will work." 

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