Chapter Two- The Unstable Side that Knows too Much

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"Dipper...!" Mabel screams, swimming over as fast as possible. "Dipper!"
A lifeguard dives into the water before Mabel can reach Dipper, and pulls him out.
Dipper's eyes are closed. He's pale, and not breathing.
Mabel pushes herself out of the water, onto the ground, and scrambles over to where Dipper is.
"Please, help, he's my brother! Dipper, can you hear me?" Mabel says frantically, not knowing what to do.
The lifeguard is kneeling over Dipper.
"Step back, please. I'll have to do CPR," the lifeguard says.
"Dipper, please wake up," Mabel whispers, tears welling up in her eyes. She kneels next to Dipper and the lifeguard, and stares at his face, expectantly.
He has to do mouth-to-mouth a couple times before Dipper even flinches.
Finally, the third time, Dipper starts hacking up water, his body flailing.
He gasps for breath, and the lifeguard helps him sit up.
"Dipper!" Mabel gasps in relief, hugging him.
"Careful, give him some space," the lifeguard orders.
Dipper, still coughing, slowly opens his eyes.
"Dipper, what...what happened...?" Mabel inquires. "Uh, don't answer if you're not ready,"
"...Gravity Falls...and earth become sky...fear the beast with," Dipper whispers, coughing in between.
"What was that...?" Mabel asks, patting his back. "Dipper, are you okay?"
"Yeah, perfectly fine, toots! Just almost drowned, that's all!" Dipper laughs, and coughs up another round of water, his eyes squeezing shut again.
Mabel frowns, surprised.
"Hey, it's okay, he's just a bit delirious right now. He should be fine, just keep him away from deep water for a while!" the lifeguard says to Mabel, comfortingly. "Come get me if you're worried about something, okay?"
"Oh...uh, okay," Mabel mumbles.
Mabel grabs Dipper's hand, and gently hauls him up.
She helps the weak Dipper to the other side of the big park, where presumably, Stan resides.
" you...know what happened yet? Did someone push you in?" Mabel asks, even though when she saw him fall in, there was no one else around him that could have.
"Yeah," Dipper says. "I know lots of things,"
Mabel feels a chill up her spine, like something is wrong.
It's fine, the lifeguard said he was a little delirious, Mabel thinks.
Finally, she spots Stan, holding the dollar bill, and laying down on a beach chair.
Stan spots them, and waves, smiling. But when he sees Dipper's pale and tired expression, he frowns.
Mabel lays Dipper on a beach chair, a chair down from Stan's.
"What the heck happened!?" Stan asks.
"Dipper fell in...I guess he almost drowned," Mabel mutters.
"What!? Doesn't the kid know how to swim?" Stan asks.
"Yeah...I don't know, someone must've held him under or something," Mabel sighs, looking worriedly at Dipper.
Dipper is laying on the chair, surprisingly, smiling.
"Well, he looks like he's having a joyride," Stan grunts.
"The lifeguard said he'd be delirious for a bit," Mabel explains, taking a seat on the chair in between Dipper and Stan.
"Yeah...he said I'd be delirious for a bit," Dipper repeats, closing his eyes yet again.
Mabel shares a confused and surprised look with Stan.
"Hey, go ahead and have fun, Mabel. I'll keep an eye on Dipper. I won't let this ruin our day!" Stan says. "Tell you what, I'll get you when he wakes up, so the sane Dipper can tell ya what actually happened,"
"Thanks," Mabel smiles. "But...I kinda wanna stay with Dipper,"
Stan laughs.
"You and Dipper have a weird close-sibling connection, you know that?" Stan smiles. "Here, you can at least hang out with Waddles!"
Stan hands Waddles to Mabel, who was hidden under a towel.
"Awe, thanks Stan!" Mabel smiles, giving Waddles a hug, ignoring the "NO ANIMALS PERMITTED" sign hanging nearby.
Dipper twitches and stretches.
He yawns and rubs his eyes.
Finally, he sits up, and opens them.
"Hey, squirt!" Stan says, poking Mabel. "Dipper's awake,"
Mabel instantly sits up and looks to her right at Grunkle Stan, then turns to her left to face Dipper.
"Dipper!" Mabel smiles. "Good...morning,"
Dipper looks at her.
Dipper yawns. "'s not morning, it's approximately 3:00 in the afternoon,"
"Well, you're the one who decided to sleep and make my greeting a good morning!" Mabel winks.
"Very funny," Dipper sighs, coughing one last time.
"Sooo, what happened? I asked you this already when you were delirious, so you couldn't really answe--" Mabel starts.
"Oh, yeah, I remember. You asked me a couple times, around...what was it...2 hours ago," Dipper says.
Mabel raises her eyebrows.
"Uh...yeah, you remember?" Mabel asks.
"Yep," Dipper answers. "So, you wanna know how it happened?"
"Yes!" Mabel says.
"Which do you mean, how the earth was formed or how I fell into the pool?" Dipper smirks.
"Um, the pool...?" Mabel stutters, confused, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay," Dipper says. "I would've gone for the earth question though. Anyway, I had a brain anomaly and fell in,"
"A...brain anomaly?" Mabel echoes.
"Yeah," Dipper replies, plainly.
"Uh, Staaaaan...?" Mabel says, rolling back over to face Stan.
"How's the kid shapin' up?" Stan grunts.
"I feel like he may still be delirious," Mabel frowns, worriedly.
"Here, let me see," Stan says. "Ey, kid, look over here!"
Dipper sits up to look at Stan.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" Stan asks, holding up six fingers.
"Six fingers," Dipper says.
Suddenly, he pauses and stares off into space.
"I know someone who could do that with just one hand," Dipper whispers to himself.
"What was that?" Stan asks, slightly narrowing his eyes.
Dipper glances up.
"What was what?" Dipper asks.
"Okay...he just whispered to himself...and Wendy isn't around. That is a bit weird," Stan says. "Ish,"
"I'll take him back to the lifeguard and ask," Mabel sighs. She helps Dipper up, and they both walk over to the lifeguard, who's at another station now.
"Dipper, you're acting weird," Mabel plainly says. "What's up?"
Dipper stares into space again, and then stops walking to rub his head.
"Uh, Dippingsauce?" Mabel asks, slowing to a stop as well.
Dipper's eyes snap open, and as quick as lightning, he turns toward her, eyes wide.
"Mabel! Mabel, I'm back!" Dipper suddenly yells, grabbing Mabel by the arms, and looking into her eyes.
"Uh, what now!? What do you mean you're back...?" Mabel asks, staring at him, utterly confused.
"Mabel, Mabel, Mabel...I...I don't have much time," Dipper says, walking back and forth hurriedly, eyes glazed with sadness. "Get the journal, see if there's something about, I don't know, getting information out of one's head or something,"
"The...the journal...?" Mabel whispers, tears welling up in her eyes. "'re...back...?"
Mabel hugs him tightly, tears falling down her cheeks.
Dipper hugs her back, and smiles.
"Mabel, I'll come back somehow," Dipper whispers, sadness making his voice crack. "I promise,"
"What...?" Mabel asks, stepping back.
"My' keeps switching and...augh!" Dipper yells, staggering back and clutching his head again.
"Dipper! Hold on...don't...don't leave me again...!" Mabel cries desperately.
Dipper slowly opens his eyes, and has that neutral, slightly smug expression once again.
" weird," Dipper says. "Another brain anomaly!"
Mabel frowns, wiping the tears from her eyes.
"And...which side of Dipper's damaged brain are you!?" Mabel grumbles, crossing her arms, frustrated.
"The unstable side that knows too much," Dipper grins. "The side that's insane and doesn't care,"

(Note: Real Dipper came back again for a second there, the Dipper with all his summer memories in tact!! Woo-hoo!!😝😄👏🏻So, here's a hint about what's causing this, you guys, if you haven't already figured it out

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(Note: Real Dipper came back again for a second there, the Dipper with all his summer memories in tact!! Woo-hoo!!😝😄👏🏻
So, here's a hint about what's causing this, you guys, if you haven't already figured it out.

Brain damage+Bill trolling Dipper=Dipper's brain going off the rails

Don't worry, it shall be explained more the next chapter, which I shall be posting very soon!! Hope you loved it!! Comment your thoughts, vote if ya liked it!! Have a relaxing September!❤️)

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