Chapter Thirtysix- It'll All Turn Out for the Better

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Dipper and Mabel are standing on the front porch with their things, waiting for the car to pull up.
Stan stands with them.
These last few sad moments of silence are almost unbearable.
Finally, the black car pulls up and Alice gets out, smiling.
"Alright, Mr. Pines. Have you had enough time to say goodbye to your friends?" she says, approaching them.
"Yeah," Dipper sighs. "I guess you could call it that,"
"I can help you put your things in the trunk," she offers, lifting the trunk.
Mabel walks over to put her stuff in after Dipper, but Alice stops her.
"What are you doing?" Alice asks.
"I'm coming too!" Mabel states firmly, putting her foot down.
"Actually, we got a direct request from Mr. and Mrs. Pines to let you stay and enjoy the rest of your summer," Alice nods.
"What!? I have to go!" Mabel says, eyes widening in shock.
"No exceptions, Miss. What your parents say goes," Alice sighs sternly.
Now even Dipper looks shocked and upset; he finally thought he'd at least have his sister for the rest of the summer.
Mabel and Dipper, speechless, hug.
A tear slips down Mabel's cheek.
Dipper remembers all these things he wanted to tell her; now that the device is destroyed, he wanted to tell her and Stan all about Tilla and him...and their previous agreement.
But now it's too late.
Like slow-motion, Dipper is escorted into the back seat, and the door closes.
He sees Stan arguing with the therapist, but eventually, Stan just closes his eyes and hugs Mabel as Alice gets back in the car.
All Dipper can do is watch as his Grunkle and his sister fade out of sight.
Dipper is resting his head on his headrest, tears streaming down his cheeks.
He was luckily able to hold it all in until now, at least.
"Don't worry, Mr. Pines. It'll all turn out for the better," Alice says comfortingly.
Dipper just pulls his cap down so it covers his face and lays down.
Dipper is awoken by the sound of moving around.
He opens his eyes; out the window he sees the world is now dark.
It's probably around midnight.
The car isn't moving, so he assumes they must've just gotten there or something.
He sits up to stretch, but sees the driver forcing a cloth with chloroform on it onto Alice's face.
Dipper gasps, his heart immediately dropping into his stomach, his brain still trying to process what's happening.
Alice collapses, unable to struggle any longer.
The driver notices Dipper is awake and then sighs.
"You probably could've slept peacefully for another couple hours, y'know," he grumbles, pressing a button that immediately sends a dart into Dipper's neck.
Dipper yells, pulling it out.
Snapping into action, he tries to use his light powers; but they won't work for some reason.
His rapid breathing slows, along with his heartbeat, as he slips away from consciousness, his eyes drooping as he collapses.
"Hold still," the lady says, holding up a syringe.
The girl with long black hair and pale skin frowns, holding out her arm.
The lady stabs it into her arm and releases the liquid into her veins.
The pale girl screams, her pale, yellow eyes widening in pain.
Eventually, the pain subsides, the girl in the fetal position, shaking.
"No special reaction to this one," the lady sighs, walking out of the white room, locking the door behind her.
The girl shivers, sobbing.
"W-Why did this happen to me...?" she cries. "All I did was try to save my dad,"
Amelia Carson has been missing for four years.
When she was nine years old her and her dad were driving back to Gravity Falls on icy roads when they got in an accident.
Amelia managed to escape the wrecked car, but her father couldn't, his leg trapped, unmovable.
The car was about to tip off the bridge when Amelia screamed.
All of a sudden, her pale, yellow eyes lit up and there was a flash of light.
Her father was levitated out of the car and safely on the bridge just before the car crashed down off of it.
Amelia let herself relax, her eyes turning back to normal, collapsing to the ground.
Her father was amazed and astonished, but wanted to keep it a secret so no one would try to use her as a military weapon.
Sadly, little did he know someone was already watching her. Waiting for the moment to strike.
And they did.
And then they kidnapped her and kept her for four years in a human lab, testing her and torturing her every day, trying to find or harness the source of her secret, hidden power that she couldn't voluntarily summon.
"Oh, Amelia," someone suddenly sighs, walking into the room. "Do quiet down. You have a new guest, after all,"
Amelia wasn't surprised.
Amelia got new roommates every week; they normally don't last long.
In fact, Amelia is the only one who has lasted this long and has been physically and mentally capable enough to withstand their practices for more than two weeks.
Amelia sighs through her tears.
"Who will you slowly kill while I'm forced to watch this time?" Amelia whispers.
The mysterious person pulls back the curtains separating her half of the room from her new guest's half.
"Dipper Pines," the person grins. "From Gravity Falls,"
Amelia glances up in surprise; Gravity Falls was her hometown.
Lying on a hospital bed is a sleeping twelve year old boy with brown hair.
"Only a year younger than you," the person states. "Maybe you'll get along. So watching him die will be all the more painful,"
The person laughs, walking out, but stops before he leaves.
"Oh, and remember...your just a mental institution patient," the person grins, finally walking out.
Amelia rolls her eyes and can't help but examine her new roommate.
Dipper groans, his vision starting to come back to him.
He yawns, stretching.
"Am I in California...?" Dipper mumbles, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
He sees he's in a hospital bed in a white room, one wall made of white curtains and one metal door.
Dipper gets an uneasy feeling and starts to sweat.
"Oh, right," Dipper gulps negatively. "I was knocked out by my driver,"
Dipper gets out of his bed and tries to open the door; it's locked.
He's about to open the curtains when a lady walks in through the metal door he just tried to open.
Dipper yells, surprised, jumping back.
"Hello, Mr. Pines," the lady says, stone-faced. "It's time for your first...interview,"

(Note: Looks like Stan was right about not trusting government officials! O_oThanks for reading, friends! This story has officially reached another intense section

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(Note: Looks like Stan was right about not trusting government officials! O_o
Thanks for reading, friends! This story has officially reached another intense section. Sadly, we are already at chapter thirtysix, and The Stiff Sibling had thirtyseven chapters, so I'm gonna have to stop soon. 😕 .......AND MAKE ANOTHER BOOK TO CONTINUE THE PLOT!! 😀 That is, if you guys want me to. 😁 Then we can officially call this a trilogy! What do you think? Vote if you enjoyed it, and comment your thoughts and your opinion about ending this book and continuing the plot in another one! Love you guys!!!

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