Chapter Five- Trust Falling

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Mabel yawns, opening her eyes.
"Crud...I fell asleep," she yawns.
She checks the time; it's noon.
"What...? I can't afford to sleep this long!" Mabel sighs.
She looks around, confused.
"Wait...I don't remember getting in bed," Mabel states, rubbing her chin.
She looks to her right and sees the journal setting on the desk.
"I don't remember doing that either!" she says, pointing to the journal.
She stretches, yawns, and picks up the journal, ready for another day of research.
She opens it to the bookmarked page and spots a sticky note.
It reads;
Hey, Mabel! It's Dipper. Well, sane, normal Dipper, I guess.
Just wanted to let you know I'm happy to have a sister like you, who cares so much about me she'll do something so against her very being just to get me back.
But that doesn't mean you should get no sleep!
Seriously. Get some sleep.
Okay, my time is up. I'll see you next time my brain decides to stop acting stupid!
See you, hopefully soon! Good luck!
I miss you.

Mabel looks up from the note, tears welling up in her eyes yet again.
"I...miss you too, Dipper," she chokes out, a tear running down her cheek. "I just...wish he would've woken me up! That dum-dum was worried about my health, as always,"
Dipper enters the room.
Mabel snaps her gaze up to him, and just in case, wants to check to see if the real Dipper is still present.
"Uh...morning, Mystery Twin!" Mabel says.
"U-Uh, Mystery Twin...?" Dipper asks. "Is that another one of those...things I don't understand?"
Mabel frowns, and gets out of bed, sighing.
"Yep!" Mabel musters a smile.
Hey, at least it's not know-it-all-depressing Dipper! Mabel thinks.
"Uh, Stan wanted me to check if you were awake," Dipper says. "He said if you weren't awake to let you sleep,"
Mabel smiles, and sighs.
"Dipper's right," she says. "I need a break!"
"I said that?" Dipper asks.
"Yeah, somethin' like that!" Mabel replies, walking downstairs.
While Mabel is making up lost time with Stan, Soos, Wendy, Candy, and Grenda, Dipper takes a walk outside and towards town.
"Maybe I'll go to that ice cream place again," Dipper smiles.
He walks inside and, very coincidentally, Pacifica Northwest is ordering some.
"P-Pacifica...?" Dipper says.
"Dipper Pines? What are you doing here?" Pacifica smiles.
"I was...getting ice cream," Dipper tries to converse. "How often d-do you come here?"
"Not very," Pacifica says. "Whenever mom and dad aren't looking! How often do you come here?"
"I haven't come here since we met up last time," Dipper replies.
"Really? So this is another crazy coincidence!" Pacifica says.
"Y-Yeah, I suppose so," Dipper says.
"So, wanna join me again?" Pacifica asks.
"S-Sure..." Dipper replies.
They sit together eating their ice cream.
"So, what's up?" Pacifica asks.
"Uh, not much...? J-Just hanging out with Mabel and stuff," Dipper replies. "And Wendy,"
Pacifica pauses suspiciously.
"Tell me, Dipper, do this Wendy person?" Pacifica casually asks.
Before Dipper can reply, an image of Bill flashes into his mind.
And then several.
And then all of the disturbing, dark secrets of the universe flood in once again.
Dipper shakes his head and grumbles; he switched again.
"Uh, hello?" Pacifica asks.
"Huh?" Dipper asks, wondering how he got there.
"I asked you a question," Pacifica says.
Dipper looks around to see it is an ice cream place.
He shrugs, and just goes with it.
"What was your question again..." Dipper starts, searching his invisible database. "Ah, yes...Miss Northwest?"
Pacifica narrows her eyes.
"Since when do you call me that?" Pacifica asks.
"Since now! Congratulations, you're on my special names list!" Dipper laughs, sarcastically.
Pacifica smiles, but then quickly clears her throat, and rolls her eyes.
"Uh...anyway. My question was, do you like that Wendy girl?" Pacifica asks, back on the subject.
"Nope," Dipper grins. "I don't like a lot of people,"
"Oh," Pacifica states, surprised. "I thought...never mind. So, since we're done with our ice cream, do you want to go ice skating or something?"
"Sure, why not?" Dipper smiles. "We all die soon anyway,"
"We have our own rink in the manor. Have you ever skated before?" Pacifica continues quickly, either ignoring that last comment or not hearing it.
"Nope!" Dipper replies, laughing. "But I don't care!"
"This should be interesting, then!" Pacifica smiles, standing up.
     Dipper slips the skates on.
Pacifica is already sliding onto the ice. She stops to open the door for him.
"Ready?" Pacifica asks.
"Not really," Dipper replies. "But who cares?"
He laughs, jumping into the air and onto the ice.
"What the--!?" Pacifica states.
He lands his jump crookedly, but lands it, nonetheless.
"Whoa...!" Pacifica gasps, eyes widening. "I thought you said--"
"It was my first time?" Dipper finishes for her. "Yeah, it is! What's your point!?"
He laughs, taking off at a high speed.
"Uh, hey! Wait up!" Pacifica laughs, trying to catch up.
Dipper does more careless, reckless stunts.
"Jeez, Dipper!" Pacifica laughs. "You're gonna hurt--"
Just then, Dipper's slips, and falls backwards, head first.
Pacifica jumps forward to catch him, successfully.
"Um, like I was saying," Pacifica laughs, a bit out of breath.
"Why'd you catch me?" Dipper asks, genuinely confused.
"Uh, because your my friend? And I don't want you killing yourself and getting blood all over my ice rink!" Pacifica mumbles.
"Friends?" Dipper asks, searching his invisible mind-database.
He remembers Bill saying friendship was a lie.
"He was...wrong...?" Dipper mumbles to himself.
"What was that?" Pacifica asks, helping him up.
"Oh...nothing," Dipper says, smiling brightly for the first time in this state of mind.
"Get ready to catch me again, Miss Northwest!" Dipper winks, laughing.
With that, he takes off at high speeds again, and starts to do tricks again.
"Dipper Pines!" Pacifica laughs. "You...really are something,"
     Pacifica is walking Dipper home, and they're both talking brightly.
Even Dipper.
"Ya really taught me something today, Miss Northwest," Dipper sighs.
"Yeah?" Pacifica asks, looking up at him.
"That I actually have at least one person that will catch me when I fall," Dipper smiles confidently.
Pacifica widens her eyes, and blushes.
She quickly looks at the ground to cover it up, and rubs the back of her neck.
"Uh, y-yeah, do," Pacifica smiles.
They arrive at the Mystery Shack.
"See you...tomorrow?" Pacifica asks hopefully.
"Sure, why not?" Dipper replies, like always in this state of mind.
He smiles.
"U-Um, great!" Pacifica replies, starting to blush again. "Perfect,"
"Yeah," Dipper says. "Catch ya later,"
"Oh, I will!" Pacifica laughs, walking away.
Once she is out of hearing distance, she talks to herself.
"What the heck, Pacifica...? You're...just friends!" she scolds herself. "What was up with all the blushing and nervous stuttering!?"
She pauses, replaying that fun night over and over again in her head.
"He said I was on his list of special names, and..." she grins, blushing. " one's ever given me a nickname before!"
She sighs, shaking her head.
"Oh, Miss Northwest, what have you fallen into...?" Pacifica says to herself, face-palming.
     "Where were you!?" Mabel asks when Dipper walks in. "I was worried!"
"I was hangin' out with Miss Northwest!" Dipper states happily.
Hmm...he seems less creepy/happy, and more...genuinely/happy, Mabel notices. Maybe Pacifica made him less...depressing, somehow!
"You mean Pacifica?" Mabel points out.
"Eh, apparently Miss Northwest is her nickname from me now," Dipper grins.
"Careful with the nicknames, buddy!" Mabel jokes, poking him. "She might accidentally fall for a stud muffin like you!"
Then, Dipper suddenly slips and falls.
Mabel catches him just in time.
"Whoa!" Mabel gasps, helping him up. "You...okay there?"
Dipper smiles, looking up at her.
"Yeah!" Dipper replies. "Just...checking,"

(Note: this comic here is hilarious😂 and don't worry, this is not a secret Dipcifica fan fic

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(Note: this comic here is hilarious😂 and don't worry, this is not a secret Dipcifica fan fic. It's just another plot twist and another lady Dipper Pines has won over accidentally with his cuteness!😝❤
Also, did you catch that at the end? Maybe know-it-all-depressing Dipper finally cares a bit for Mabel and is realizing she cares for him! And wasn't the note from Dipper so...feelsy?😭
Anyway, hope you guys liked it! I thought this chapter was pretty cute, what about you? Comment your thoughts!! Love yas!!❤️🐷❤️)

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