Chapter Nineteen- Tilla's Bargain

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Dipper yells in fright and stumbles back.
"Y-You...!? What are you doing here!?" Dipper stutters, already readying his light powers.
Tilla, also known as Cataclysm, is standing right on top of Dipper's bed, glaring down at him happily.
Her three friends surround her; the black haired one named Alyssa, the dark skinned one named Jim, and the blonde haired one named Cameron, which Dipper hadn't seen before.
"Wow, that reaction was even better than I imagined it would be!" Tilla giggles.
"How did you get out...? I thought Gray would've sealed you in!" Dipper asks, standing back up.
"Let's say I...know a guy," Tilla laughs. "And that guy not only helped me out, but led me to an even greater source of dark energy,"
"So...what do you want with Mabel? If you found a different source of dark energy, why do you need her?" Dipper inquires nervously.
"Oh, trust me, I don't," she hisses, snapping.
Suddenly, Dipper's room goes dark, and all of Dipper's nightmares Bill had sent him a while ago start to play repeatedly all around him.
Dipper screams, covering his eyes.
"Kid...that's my...cue!" Dipper says to himself. "No...! Not...yet!"
Dipper argues with his other mindset while the terrible images play around him, until finally, they stop, the lights turning back on.
Dipper gasps for breath, opening his eyes.
His original mindset won the battle.
"Alright, enough...! I get it, you're super powerful!" Dipper yells painstakingly, those images bringing back bad memories. "So what do you want then!? Why are you here?"
"Okay, okay, I'll spill!" Tilla grins. "So, guess what!? I prepared for this! Just in case this sorta thing happened, I planted an explosive in Mabel's brain while she was asleep!"
Dipper's eyes widen and stress rings form under his eyes.
"You what...!?" Dipper breathes, hoping he didn't hear her right.
"You heard me!" Tilla says, holding up a remote with two buttons on it. "And if I press this red button, then...BOOM!"
Dipper jumps at that last part.
" I know you're not bluffing?" Dipper inquires, praying she is.
"I'll prove it to you," she says. "I planted one in my boyfriend Cameron here,"
Cameron, surprised, glances at her.
"'re kidding, right...?" he laughs nervously.
Tilla glares at him.
"Cameron, know that I love you...just not enough to let you get in the way of my plans," she says, pressing the red button.
And right in front of Dipper, Cameron explodes.
Alyssa screams, covering her mouth as tears well up in her eyes.
Even Jim flinches and looks away, arms crossed.
Dipper screams once again, terrified, and tries not to imagine the same thing happening to Mabel.
Dipper is too shocked to speak.
Tilla sighs, fighting back tears, and uses her magic to clean up his ashes.
"Tilla...he was one of our own! How could you do this...?" Alyssa cries. "He really did love you!"
"Lyssa...we're best friends. Surely you're not too surprised?" Tilla states, the tears gone, then turns back to Dipper. "Anyway...Dipper...if you do what I say, exactly what I say, then I will spare her by deactivating the explosive. Like this!"
Tilla presses a small black button, and then presses the red button again.
Nothing happens.
"See? Alyssa's device didn't explode because I disabled it!" Tilla smiles, doing jazz hands.
"What...? When did you plant one of those thing's in my brain!?" Alyssa stutters, shocked.
"While you were sleeping," Tilla explains. "But I deactivated it, so now it's just a useless, flea-sized hunk of metal hangin' around in there,"
Alyssa, clearly shocked, upset, and angry, bites her lip and looks away.
Tilla rolls her eyes, and waits for Dipper's response.
"I-I...I..." Dipper stutters, still unable to speak after a traumatizing sight like that.
"Come on, kid, spit it out!" Tilla prods.
"W-W-What d-do you want from me then...?" Dipper chokes out, closing his eyes in defeat.
"I want you to use this to..." Tilla starts, and then whispers the rest of her bargain into his ear, which sends chills up his spine.
As she whispers, Dipper's eyes widen, and he goes pale.
"Got it?" Tilla says, backing up and handing him a black box which is just a bit larger than his hand.
Dipper takes the box and glances inside, which makes his face go even paler.
"And if you breathe a word of this to anyone, I will press this button. The red one," Tilla hisses. "I'll be watching you, so even a word that could possibly even hint at hinting about this will force me to press it,"
Dipper, too shocked to speak, slowly nods his head.
"Alright, then! You have three days, because the Gravity Falls festival in town is in three days. So...see ya there!" Tilla laughs, waving. She jumps out of his window, dashing into the forest, Jim and Alyssa close behind.
But before Alyssa leaves, she casts Dipper a look that almost seems...sorry.
Dipper is once again alone in he and Mabel's room, except this time, things are different.
Dipper tries to think of ways to escape the clutches of this deal, but he can't think of anything.
"There's...there's gotta be a way out of this!" Dipper sighs. Suddenly, his head starts throbbing.
"''s not the time, other mindset!" Dipper growls to himself. But nonetheless, his eyes flick open and know-it-all-depressing Dipper takes the reigns.
"Kid, if anyone can think of a way outta this, it's me!" Dipper grins, and then starts searching his invisible database.
In the end, even know-it-all-depressing Dipper can't think of an idea that would guarantee Mabel's safety.
Dipper, with a sigh, hides the black box under his pillow when he hears footsteps coming up the stairs.
The original-Dipper mindset takes control again right before Mabel walks back in with her Mabel juice.
"Heyo, bro bro!" Mabel smiles, walking in. "This Mabel juice has officially lifted my spirits! Want some!?"
"S-Sure," Dipper stutters, watching his words very carefully.
"Hey, you look like you've seen a ghost. What's up?" Mabel frowns, walking over and sitting on her bed, motioning for Dipper to do the same.
Dipper sits on her bed beside her, and bites his lip, wondering what to do.
"U-Uh, it's really nothing," Dipper manages to choke out.
"You sure?" Mabel asks.
"Definitely," Dipper responds.
"Hmm...if you say so!" Mabel says, standing back up. "Wanna do something not boring?"
"S-Sure," Dipper stutters.
"O-O-Ok-kay! L-Let's g-g-go, b-b-bro bro!" Mabel laughs, making fun of his stuttering and then dashing out of the room.
Dipper glances out the window at the ever so slightly lowering sun.
"Three days," he sighs, tears welling up in his eyes before getting up and following Mabel out the door.

(Note: Thank you all so much for reading, your votes mean a lot, but your thoughts, critiques, and comments mean even more! ^-^ Thanks to all who are still reading and will stick with me till the end of this book

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(Note: Thank you all so much for reading, your votes mean a lot, but your thoughts, critiques, and comments mean even more! ^-^ Thanks to all who are still reading and will stick with me till the end of this book. Love ya'll!!! -Mabelwaffles127)

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