Chapter Thirtyfive- A Sad Scrapbook-ortunity

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Dipper slowly opens his eyes, waking up, and rolls onto his back, yawning.
He stretches, and then reaches for his phone to text Wendy.
Then he realizes he doesn't have a phone.
And Wendy is no longer his girlfriend. Dipper sighs.
Then Mabel sits up in her bed, stretching as well.
Dipper looks over and when he sees his twelve year old sister, he smiles, glad he's back.
But when he notices she's frowning and looking quite gloomy, he frowns.
"Morning, Mabel!" Dipper smiles, waving at her happily.
"Morning," Mabel grumbles quite grumpily, looking like she had a rough night of sleep.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Dipper asks her. He has a moment of panic; did he somehow end up in a very similar yet different reality?
"What do you mean, what's wrong!?" Mabel grunts, sighing. "Oh, y'know, just the fact that we're leaving Gravity Falls today,"
It hits him like a moving train. Dipper remembers why he went down to that lab in the first place. He's leaving Gravity Falls.
"Oh...yeah," Dipper says in barely a whisper, like a deflated balloon.
Before I go...I've gotta see Robbie and Lee, Dipper thinks. And I should probably ask Stan about Ford. Is he even real in this dimension...? No, he can't be.
"Well, we gotta get up sometime," Dipper sighs, getting out of bed.
Mabel mumbles in agreement, sliding out of hers.
Dipper and Mabel are finishing a bowl of cereal when Stan walks out, looking like he's not dealing with this too well either; after all, Dipper did just come back from the dead, and now he's leaving.
Mabel and Dipper exchange a look and then immediately rush over to hug Stan.
Stan sniffs and hugs them both back.
"I'm gonna miss you, Grunk," Mabel cries.
They finally separate, wiping tears and staring at the floor hopelessly.
"Y'know, Mabel, you don't have to go with me," Dipper says, sighing. "In fact, it would put me at ease knowing you and Stan can still finish up Summer and...that I didn't ruin it for you,"
Mabel opens her mouth to argue with him, but Stan speaks first.
"Well, we wouldn't feel at ease. Just one twin stayin' at my shack without her trusty partner in crime? I don't think so," Stan grins, nudging Dipper.
Dipper sighs, rubbing his arm.
"Don't worry. I'll figure this out," Stan sighs. "Somehow,"
Mabel and Dipper are walking toward town.
"I gotta go say bye to Candy and Grenda," Mabel admits sadly.
"And I gotta say bye to the group," Dipper sighs, frowning.
"The group?" Mabel repeats.
"I mean, y'know, Robbie and Lee and them," Dipper explains.
"Oh, right," Mabel sighs, and then smiles. "And Wendy,"
"Oh, shut up," Dipper laughs, pushing her and blushing. "Hey, you sure you don't wanna say bye to them with me? You're apart of the group too,"
"Eh, why not?" Mabel smiles.
Mabel and Dipper walk toward the Dusk 2 Dawn store.
"How do you know they're here?" Mabel asks.
"Dunno, something's telling me they are," Dipper shrugs, climbing the fence.
They both hop down and are greeted with the sight of the group hanging out in a circle in the parking lot.
Dipper smiles, waving hi and running over, Mabel close behind.
The group finally notices them and grins, standing up to face them.
"Hey, little man!" Lee laughs, giving him a high five. "What's up?"
"He probably just fake-turned thirteen again," Robbie jokes harshly, grinning.
"No, I actually didn't," Dipper says, and then smiles. "I fake-turned fourteen, thank you very much!"
Robbie widens his eyes, and eventually, smiles, laughing.
"So, what gives us the pleasure of your acquaintance?" Wendy smiles, walking over.
"Well...we're leaving Gravity Falls," Dipper sighs, his cap casting a shadow over his eyes. "Today,"
"What!?" the group says in unison.
"Bummer," Tambry monotonously says. "I've gotta tweet this,"
"What the heck!? Why?" Robbie asks.
"Apparently my parents found out about my hospital record for this Summer and decided to drag me home so I can rest up safely," Dipper grumbles.
"No, that can't happen. That's not fair, dude!" Lee frowns, crossing his arms.
"Yeah, you guys have actually included me in some of your conversations!" Thompson frowns.
"Sorry, it's official. I have no idea when they're picking me up.'s our goodbye," Dipper sighs.
"Scrapbook-ortunity," Mabel says sadly, taking out her camera.
The group gathers in front of the camera and they all purposely frown, making their best sad face; Mabel takes the picture.
"Alright. Well...see ya," Dipper smiles with a pained expression.
Lee picks him up and gives him a hug.
"I'll miss ya, lil dude," Lee sighs sadly, putting him back down.
"Y' were actually alright," Robbie says hesitantly, avoiding eye contact. "Feel free to visit whenever you feel like jamming out to some actually good music or whatever,"
Dipper smiles and laughs, nodding.
And then there's Wendy.
They hug, and Dipper can't help but think of the other dimension; that same warm feeling overwhelms him.
They separate and for a second, Wendy has that same caring, warm look that she had before.
"Please visit for Christmas break or something, 'kay?" Wendy grins, playfully punching him.
"Will do," Dipper laughs.
"And don't think we forgot you!" Wendy laughs, lifting up Mabel.
The whole group joins in lifting up Mabel, throwing her in the air like she's a concert star.
The twins both yell goodbye, the group running after them as they climb the fence and take off toward Grenda and Candy's house.
While Mabel is at Grenda and Candy's, Dipper is back at the Mystery Shack.
He has to ask Stan about his Grunkle Ford...who he is beginning to miss.
"Um...Stan?" Dipper questions, poking him.
Stan turns off he tv and faces him, sighing.
"Yeah, kiddo?" Stan replies.
"Listen... this my sound like a weird question to ask, but I was just wondering," Dipper starts casually, making hand motions. "Do you have, like...a distant brother that lives somewhere else or something?"
Stan's eyes widen in shock, and he's speechless.
"Uh, Stan?" Dipper asks, concerned, waving his hand in front of his face.
"U-Uh, why in the heck would ya ask that!?" Stan finally spits out in denial.
"Um, just curious. So, you don't have a brother? Like, a twin brother? Who goes by the name of Ford?" Dipper asks, grasping at straws.
Stan looks even more shocked and doesn't know what to say.
"H-How on earth..." Stan mumbles under his breath.
"I kinda found your secret lab last night," Dipper explains, brutally honest. "Tilla almost killed me, but I took her down and to the police. So she's not gonna be a problem anymore,"
Stan pauses, and then nervously bursts out laughing.
"That's...that's hilarious! Nice joke, Dipper," Stan spits out, standing up. "Stan Pines owning a secret lab! Ha!" Stan then frowns again, shaking his head and walking out of the room.
Dipper narrows his eyes but just lets him go, sighing.
What happened between him and Ford? Dipper thinks. If...if there is a Ford anymore?

(Note: Hope you all liked it! There's a pretty big plot twist/feelsy chapter coming up, so if you will, stick with me here! 😃 I've got it all written out, I've just gotta edit them and put pictures with them

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(Note: Hope you all liked it! There's a pretty big plot twist/feelsy chapter coming up, so if you will, stick with me here! 😃 I've got it all written out, I've just gotta edit them and put pictures with them.
Also...can you believe we're on Chapter Thirtyfive already!? I can't believe you wonderful people have stuck with me and this story for so long. ❤️ I'm so happy you guys actually look forward to seeing what happens next to these lovable guys, and I put my heart into every chapter. So once again, thanks so much for being so loyal. 💞😊🐷

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