Chapter Fifteen- I Thought You'd Never Ask

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Dipper wakes up with a moan.
"Mabel, why'd you wake me...?" he mumbles. "Let me sleep for a couple more...huh...?"
He opens his eyes to see Pacifica nudging him with her foot, a cloth tied around her mouth. He looks to his left and sees Gray chained up, still sleeping.
They are all in a small, gray room.
"What the...? What happened?" Dipper asks.
Dipper sees he and Pacifica are chained up as well, and nudges Gray with his foot.
"Huh? What?" Gray mumbles, flipping open her eyes.
"Gray, do you remember what happened?" Dipper asks, bewildered.
"I remember walking down some hallways, but I can't seem to remember anything after we caught that..." Gray starts.
"That girl! She...tricked us! She must've been with the gang!" Dipper says angrily.
"If there even is a gang," Gray sighs. "She was the one who told us there was one!"
Pacifica mumbles angrily, her cloth keeping her from speaking a word.
Gray uses a spell in her mind, summoning a dark magic spear, which clatters to the ground. She tries to use her magic to make it float, but it's not working. She needs her hands for pretty much every spell.
"Ugh," Gray grumbles, kicking it angrily, making it disappear.
"I'll try," Dipper says, casting a light spell. He tries to make a ball of energy, but his hands can't separate more than an inch, so the ball disappears.
"Nope," Dipper sighs, glancing around the room. "There's gotta be a loophole somewhere...some way of escape,"
He sees there's a door, but it's obviously locked.
Finally, Pacifica wriggles off the cloth.
"Ugh, I knew that girl was bad news!" Pacifica growls. "I was trying to wake you guys up when she yelled through that vent for me to be quiet. I insulted her back, obviously, and she came in here and put this around my mouth! Like, who does that!?"
"Psychotic murderers. Psychotic murderers do that," Dipper grunts negatively. "So...there's a vent?"
"Yeah, up there," Pacifica nods toward the vent.
"If I could free my hands enough to..." Dipper mumbles to himself.
He grunts, trying to separate his chained hands four inches apart.
"Agh!" he yells, distance gaining inch by inch. Finally, his hands are three inches apart from each other, his wrists starting to bleed. He casts a spell, summoning an energy ball, and immediately launches it toward the vent, letting his hands relax afterward. The vent cover busts, swinging open.
"Sweet! Now we just need to get outta these chains," Gray says.
"Maybe your magic isn't extremely weird," Pacifica states.
"Thanks, I'm flattered," Dipper says sarcastically. "Anyone have a chainsaw!?"
"Man, I forgot mine at home!" Gray sighs, sadly.
"I'm not sure how I feel about you owning a chainsaw," Dipper states.
"Well, are we just gonna sit here, or are we going to come up with a plan?" Pacifica asks.
"Well, apparently we can't physically escape," Dipper says. "So we'll have to mentally escape,"
"I'm lost," Pacifica says.
Dipper thinks hard, trying to come up with a plan. Gray already has a plan in mind, but knows it could be dangerous...and it could ruin her friendship with Mabel again.
"Alright, let's do this, shall we--!?" Tilla starts, but gets interrupted when a girl with black hair and a beanie hat comes rushing in with news.
"We got the three annoyances, Till," she says, grinning.
"You did!? You're the best, Alyssa!" Tilla laughs, hugging her.
"Oh, be quiet, it was nothing!" Alyssa laughs, rubbing the back of her neck. "Is Mabel ready to be drained?"
"I'm still here!" Mabel yells from her capsule.
"Actually, I was just about to get to that!" Tilla smiles, ignoring her. "Jim, is my capsule ready?"
"Not yet," Jim sighs. A young adult who goes by the name of Jim, with dark skin, curly, black hair, and one black cuff earring, is working on a capsule very similar to Mabel's.
"A few of these air-tight seals are acting up," he grumbles, trying to fix it.
"Whatever, no rush! I've got time!" Tilla giggles. "Hey, Lyssa? Keep an eye on the trio, 'kay?"
"I'm pretty sure they can't get out. I made sure of that," Alyssa says. "I chained them up, and...I kind of wanted to be here for when it happens,"
"Something you'll learn one day, Allyssa..." Tilla starts, leaning in close. "...never underestimate the opposing force! If you miss the show-down, I'll just tell ya about it. Now...go!"
Tilla gives Alyssa a frightening glare which sends chills up her spine. Then Tilla smiles, winks, and walks over to Jim. Alyssa looks away angrily, and storms off toward her captives' cell.
"Well...if I knew more about her background, I could maybe...I don't know, trick her? Find her sore spot? Then maybe she would...take me to Mabel's kidnapper if it disturbed her enough," Dipper thinks aloud. "But I don't know enough about her. And I don't do disturbing very well,"
Meanwhile, Gray is contemplating something in her own thoughts.
Mabel told me all about Dipper's split personality thing when we reunited and ate ice cream that one night. I told her not to leave out any details! Dipper had a shy mind-set and a mind-set that knew all the disturbing secrets of the universe, Gray thinks. It looks like the shy one has disappeared, but...all the secrets of the universe couldn't have just vanished out of his mind! I could probably trigger them if I did it just, if something goes wrong, I could always use the switch spell with him and I could take the fall.
While Dipper is thinking of several ideas that could almost work but don't, Gray is wriggling her right arm out of her chains.
"You sure I shouldn't try to bribe the brat?" Pacifica asks.
Dipper sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Sorry, guys. If I could read her mind I might be able to pull off something, but--!"
Suddenly, Gray slaps Dipper hard upside the head...right where he cracked it in the battle against Dark Mage.
Dipper and Pacifica sit there silently, eyes wide, when the pain starts to sink in.
"AGH..! What the heck!?" Dipper yells, wriggling in pain.
"Uh...sorry, Dipper! Um...Miss Northwest told me to do it!" Gray says, pointing to Pacifica, trying to trigger it. "Also, did you know that...uh...Bill's nickname for Wendy is Red? And...have you ever thought about the meaning of life!?"
Dipper is cringing, closing his eyes in frustration, when suddenly, he flips them back open.
He slowly sits up to face Gray.
"I thought you'd never ask!" Dipper replies, grinning.

(Note: Thank you so much for reading!! I hope you loved it! 😅 Comment your thoughts, vote if you liked it! 😁💕 We are finally getting good internet tomorrow, so I won't have to go into town to be able to post them! Yayyyy!!! We only have a coupl...

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(Note: Thank you so much for reading!! I hope you loved it! 😅 Comment your thoughts, vote if you liked it! 😁💕 We are finally getting good internet tomorrow, so I won't have to go into town to be able to post them! Yayyyy!!! We only have a couple more boxes to go through before we're finally 100% settled. I never thought this day would come, but here it is! I'm going to be able to start posting AT LEAST one chapter a week again, probably more!! Love you all, and I hope your lives are filled with lots of love, joy, and Waddles!! 😄❤️🐷✌🏻️😎

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