Chapter Twentytwo- The Long Lost Northwest

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Dipper's limp body collapses to the floor with a thud.
Mabel screams, "NO!" at the top of her lungs.
Her legs feel like led as she throws herself onto the stage and scrambles beside her brother.
The crowd is freaking out, calling 911, but Mabel doesn't pay attention.
"Dipper...Dipper," Mabel moans, face turning pale. "No, no, no, no,"
Wendy, Stan, and Soos join her, frantically asking questions and trying to wake him up, but Mabel tunes out their voices.
She turns him over, her hands already being soaked in his blood.
She yells, "Hdrgxs," over and over, trying to use the switch spell, but her powers are still too weak.
She checks his pulse; he's gone. Images of Dipper shooting himself instantly replay in her mind until she blacks out, the twins laying unconscious side by side.
     Mabel's vision finally comes to, and the first thing she sees is Stan, shaking her, trying to wake her up.
"Mabel...? Are you okay!?" Stan chokes out.
"Stan...Dipper's gone," Mabel wails, hugging him.
Stan's face is pale, and he hugs Mabel. The four of them just sit there on the stage and cry.
Pacifica Northwest was at home trying to sneak out when all of this happened, but soon, she finally arrives at the stage.
"Okay, people, what is going--?" Pacifica starts, when she sees Mabel, Stan, Soos, and Wendy huddled around something, Wendy covering her mouth with her hand in sheer shock.
Pacifica climbs onto the stage and peers over their shoulders.
She gasps and jumps backwards, tears instantly forming in her eyes.
"S-Stan...what happened?" Wendy asks, gaining her composure enough to speak. "Dipper..."
Then Wendy bursts out in tears again. Soos takes off his hat and puts his arm around Wendy to comfort her.
The ambulance shows up and starts to stop the blood with a towel, but when the head doctor comes out and checks his pulse and his wound, he shakes his head no, signaling that Dipper is a goner.
A nurse still wraps Dipper's injury with some bandages just to cover up the wound.
Stan, knowing he's the grown-up, does the hard thing, and picks Dipper up.
Then he carries him off the stage toward the shack.
Soos lets Wendy go and wipes a tear, and then picks up Mabel, carrying her to the shack behind Stan. Wendy reluctantly follows. Pacifica runs home.
     Stan laid Dipper on the couch when they got home, which was around an hour ago. Everyone is just sitting around the dining room table in silence.
Finally, Mabel breaks the silence.
"L-Let's go get W-White Mage again," Mabel suggests, her voice cracking. "She can h-heal Dipper,"
"But...but this time, Dipper killed himself," Stan sighs, rubbing his temples.
"I know what it looks like, but...but that dude never would've killed himself!" Soos states.
"Well then what else was it!?" Stan snaps. Stan sighs, calming back down.
"Mabel. Dipper was acting weird around you before he did this, wasn't he?" Stan questions, his voice cracking. "More depressed and quiet, right?"
"Well...yes, he...he was being more distant," Mabel sighs.
"It's like he was planning this," Wendy sniffs. "Because, this morning he randomly came up to me and told me I meant a lot to him. I thought it was strange, but...but now it makes sense,"
"I'm sure he was planning this. A lot of suicides are planned," Stan grumbles, rubbing his eyes. "His recent behavior, the traumatizing events he's gone through...this...this is the only logical explanation,"
"But that's just not the Dipper I knew," Soos says quietly.
"It's not the Dipper any of us knew," Stan manages to say before placing his head in his hands, not knowing what else to do or say.
Finally, Mabel stands up from her seat.
"Fine! You guys go ahead and accept this. I'm going to find White Mage!" Mabel cries. "Then we can ask Dipper himself why he did it!"
"Wait, Mabel--!" Stan says.
Mabel dashes up to her room, and immediately transports to the Mage's quarters.
Stan sighs and sits back down.
     Now Stan is pacing back and forth, worried about Mabel. It's been about a half an hour.
Stan jumps back in surprise when White Mage appears in their living room with Mabel at her side.
"Let me see...I can still save him if his soul hasn't given up," White Mage sighs, sadness etched on her face.
"Svzo," White Mage whispers, light magic pulsing into his body.
Nothing happens.
White Mage sighs.
"It's no use," she sighs. "His soul has given up. It's left,"
"No," Mabel whispers, a tear trickling down her cheek. Mabel just kneels down and shoves her face into Dipper's shirt, crying.
Finally, Stan can't take anymore, and rushes off to his room, slamming the door shut.
Soos comforts Wendy, and offers to walk her home. She silently accepts, nodding.
White Mage sighs, and kneels down beside Mabel.
Hesitantly, White Mage hugs her.
Mabel graciously accepts, crying into her shoulder.
Eventually, White Mage carries Mabel up to her room.
     Meanwhile, Tilla and her gang are breaking into the Northwest Manor.
Tilla and Alyssa pound on the front door.
"What on earth...!?" Mr. Northwest proclaims.
Mr. and Mrs. Northwest hurry over to the front door where the pounding is coming from.
They swing open the door, and immediately, Tilla and the others push their way into the mansion.
"What is the meaning of...?" Mrs. Northwest starts, but then they recognize Tilla.
"T...Tilla...? What...what are you doing here?" Mr. Northwest asks, sweat already forming on his forehead.
"You know that orphanage you banned me to? Yep, I escaped! And I've been plotting revenge ever since, so...yeah," Tilla laughs maniacally.
"No...Tilla, please don't hurt us," Mrs. Northwest pleads. "It's not our fault you weren't the perfect daughter we wanted!"
"Honey, you were just...unfit to bear the Northwest name," Mr. Northwest explains, making hand motions.
"Oh, I'll show you how unfit I am once I take over all of Gravity Falls!" Tilla yells. "Now...I'll be turning this mansion into our headquarters, so...beat it!"
"You're finally doing it, Tilla," Alyssa smiles. "I just...I just wish we didn't have to kill one of our own,"
"I know, Lyssa," Tilla sighs. "But...what had to be done had to be done!"
"No...we do not allow this!" Mrs. Northwest screams.
"You don't have to allow it," Tilla states, snapping.
Mr. and Mrs. Northwest turn into shadows at her signal, and she traps them in a vile on a chain necklace around her neck.
"Alright...let's get this party started with a public announcement!" Tilla orders.
Just then, Pacifica Northwest walks in, wiping away tears. She glances up at Tilla and her gang in surprise.
"Um...who on earth are you?" Pacifica chokes.
"You first," Tilla asks.
"Um...Pacifica Northwest," Pacifica sighs.
Tilla widens her eyes in surprise.
"'re their latest perfect daughter," Tilla hisses.
"Um...huh?" Pacifica sniffs.
"I am Tilla Mook Northwest, the long lost Northwest," Tilla announces. "You're long lost older sister,"

(Note: thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting your thoughts on that last chapter; it makes me happy to know my writing has the ability to give people feels

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(Note: thank you so much for reading, voting, and commenting your thoughts on that last chapter; it makes me happy to know my writing has the ability to give people feels. 😄😈😋 More chapters are coming soon. Bye, love ya, Fallers!💕👋🏻 🐷 -Mabelwaffles127)

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