Chapter Sixteen- The Yellow Wire

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"Um...what just happened!? Did I miss something here?" Pacifica asks. "She just slapped you,"
Before either can reply, they hear a click from the door and Alyssa walks in.
"Hey prisoners," she says. "I hope you're happy. I'm going to miss out on the big show because of you annoyances!"
"Hey, lady!" Dipper grins; he glances down and notices he's chained up. "What's your name?"
"None of your business," Alyssa scoffs.
"Fine. Have it your way, Lyssa!" Dipper smiles.
Alyssa rolls her eyes, but then snaps her gaze at Dipper in surprise.
Gray smiles in relief, hiding her free arm.
Yes...this is going to work! Good idea, Gray! Gray thinks.
"How did you...know that?" Alyssa asks.
"Oh, I know lots of things!" Dipper laughs. "Like your strange sister-like relationship with that psycho, Till!"
Once again, Alyssa is astonished.
Dipper stops and stares into space, as if searching an invisible database.
"Ah. Ya have Mabel too, don't ya?" Dipper sighs, shaking his head. "That's gonna be an issue,"
"I...I'll be right back," Alyssa mumbles, shaking her head. She leaves the room and they all hear a click once again.
"As I was saying...what exactly happened?" Pacifica asks, bewildered. "Is this part of your plan, Dipper?"
"Yeah, somethin' like that!" Dipper grins smugly.
Alyssa comes running back to Tilla, wide eyed.
"Tilla!" Alyssa calls.
Tilla looks up at her, and smiles.
"Hey, what's up!? Are you letting our prisoners escape or somethin'?" Tilla asks casually. "Also, try to call me Cataclysm. People can't seem to remember that!"
"Right...Cataclysm," Alyssa mumbles. "Listen...this brother of Mabel's...are you sure he wouldn't be beneficial to the drain?"
"What do you mean, of course not. He's weak. He uses light energy," Tilla says.
"But...the stuff he was saying...they didn't sound like words from a light one," Alyssa argues.
"I am positive I saw him casting light," Tilla argues. "Alright, bring him here. Only him. Let me see for myself!"
"Got it, Cataclysm," Alyssa says.
"Hey, don't go too crazy with the nicknames!" Tilla winks. Alyssa rolls her eyes, smiles, and then runs back to the cell.
Alyssa walks in with a stern, calm expression. Before she can say anything, Dipper says, "I see you've recollected yourself,"
She glares at him before continuing.
"Cataclysm wants to see you," she says, unchaining his feet.
Dipper smugly winks at Pacifica, and Pacifica widens her eyes in surprise.
"Oh, does she now?" Dipper asks, pretending to be surprised.
Alyssa roughly pulls him to his feet and shoves him out the door.
"Um...should we be worried...!?" Pacifica stutters once they've left. "I mean, one of our own is being moved to another location!"
"Not at all. Dipper's got this under control," Gray says positively. "In fact...he may have already given us our ticket out of here,"
Alyssa is grabbing Dipper by the scruff of his shirt and pushing him towards Tilla.
Tilla spins around to face him with a huge smile.
"Ah, so you're the one Lyssa's tellin' me so much about!" she chirps. "How would you like to watch your sister be drained of her dark energy!?"
"Sounds entertaining," Dipper grins.
Tilla maintains her smile, but in her eyes he can see a glint of surprise.
"Well, then good! Because it's almost ready!" Tilla says. "Jim, how's my capsule coming along!?"
"This stupid thing...there's something that's just...not working!" Jim grumbles angrily, examining the system.
"Try untangling the yellow wire," Dipper yells over.
Jim rolls his eyes, but then notices that the yellow wire is a bit tangled with the blue one. Jim untangles it, and the airtight seals lock and seal just fine, the capsule ready to go.
Tilla glances at Alyssa in surprise, and Alyssa nods in confirmation.
"Alright, kid. How'd you do that?" Tilla asks.
"I bet you'd like to know, wouldn't you?" Dipper grins. "But first, let me ask you a question. Why did you care?"
"Why did I care about what!?" Tilla asks, not getting it.
"Why did you care about what your parents thought?" Dipper asks more specifically.
Tilla's eyes widen, that question obviously a terribly sore spot for her. She stares into space and tears well up in her eyes. Then she slaps dipper across the face. Hard.
"Ouch...!" Dipper yells, his face stinging.
"You don't have the right to make me remember those memories again," Tilla hisses in his ear. "Anyway, where were we! Give Mr. Pines a front row seat!"
Tilla looks like she's completely changed personalities and is as happy as ever, clapping her hands.
Dipper closes his eyes and shakes his head, and starts mumbling to himself.
" back in...get...out!" Dipper grunts, shaking his head back and forth. "Sorry, kid...they...need me!"
Alyssa glances at Dipper who is arguing with himself, utterly confused.
"Not...anymore," Dipper growls. "You've done...enough...!"
Alyssa shoves Dipper into Mabel's eyesight.
"Dipper!" Mabel yells instantly.
Dipper flips his eyes open and snaps his gaze up to Mabel.
"Mabel...! Mabel, I'll get you out of there!" Dipper yells.
"What the...?" Alyssa wonders aloud.
Did...he just switch personalities or something...? Alyssa thinks.
Dipper tries to free his arms from the chains, but it's no use. Tilla climbs into her capsule which is to the right of Mabel's.
Jim presses a few buttons and her capsule seals and locks, thanks to Dipper.
"Look what you did...!" Dipper growls angrily to himself. "This...this is all Gray's fault!"
"Uh...don't worry, Dipper! You got this!" Mabel pleads. "You can do it. Just...maybe do it before they drain me or whatever!"
"Just...just hold tight, Mabel!" Dipper yells, frantically wriggling in his chains.
Jim has made his way to his computer and is revving up the system.
"Ready to go on your cue," Jim yells.
"Now!" Tilla shouts, grinning from ear to ear, Dipper standing back helpless against what's coming next.

(Note: Thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed it! 😄👍🏻Hang on tight, the climax is coming up next!! [that is, the FIRST climax

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(Note: Thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed it! 😄👍🏻
Hang on tight, the climax is coming up next!! [that is, the FIRST climax...there's another one that's gonna be coming later that is an even bigger one.] Love ya'll, have a Dippy Fresh kinda day!! 😘😄🐷💕😎

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