Chapter Thirteen- Tracking Mabel

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"Okay, so how are you gonna find Mabel without any leads? Do you think the missing link is just going to pop out of thin air?" Pacifica huffs, leaning up against the wall in Dipper and Mabel's room. Dipper has been trying to scan the area where Mabel was presumably kidnapped in their room, thinking he must be missing some sort of crucial evidence. He's been searching for 45 minutes.
Dipper sighs, standing up.
"Yeah, you're right," Dipper sighs again. "I can't do this on my own,"
"So, you do want me to try and bribe those fat sows in the bland uniforms? It's better than this," Pacifica scowls.
Dipper rolls his eyes.
"No, we aren't bribing anyone!" Dipper explains. "I have a...friend that I think could help us out,"

Dipper and Pacifica walk down a long, dark hallway in the Mages' hidden castle-like quarters.
"So...where exactly are we!?" Pacifica stutters in disgust. "It smells like a 300 year old rotten cow carcass!"
"Long story," Dipper mumbles, holding his candle up high and looking for White Mage's or Gray's room door.
There's a long silence; until Pacifica takes a deep breath and breaks it.
"How come you stopped making time for me?" Pacifica asks.
Dipper, surprised, glances at her.
"Uh, what are you talking about?" he asks.
"We used to hang out a bunch. If I didn't understand, you would fill me in, you know? And now..." Pacifica sighs, and her words trail off.
Dipper is utterly confused, but then he widens his eyes in realization.
I must have gotten close with Pacifica when I was in one of my other mind-sets, he thinks.
", that's kind of a long story too," Dipper stutters, not knowing what to say.
"Of course," Pacifica grumbles. "Fine, don't tell me, just answer me this; is it because of me? Is it something I did?"
Dipper widens his eyes yet again, shocked by how Pacifica is acting towards him.
"No, not at all! It's just...more nerd stuff," Dipper awkwardly tries to laugh, but sees Pacifica still looks upset and unamused. "You wouldn't understand,"
"I know I wouldn't," Pacifica sighs. "But it's the thought that counts,"
Dipper stays awkwardly silent, sweat building up on his forehead.
How am I supposed to respond if I don't even know what happened between her and I!? Dipper thinks in distress. But his thoughts are interrupted when he sees White Mage's door appear out of the darkness.
Dipper walks over and knocks on the door. White Mage swings it open in a split second.
"Dipper!" White Mage squeals, hugging him.
Dipper tenses up and remembers how weird the Mages are.
"H-Hey, there. Yep, getting hard to breathe here," Dipper gasps, White Mage hugging him tight. "Chest injury still ripe,"
Finally she backs off and giggles.
"You're just as humorous and awkward as usual," she laughs. "I knew you'd visit!"
"Yeah, about that...I actually need your help," Dipper says. "Preferably Gray's,"
" need Gray!? I'll get her right now," White Mage yells, slamming the door shut.
"I...can't tell if she was mad or if that's just how she is," Dipper mumbles.
A few seconds later, White Mage pops back through the door with Gray.
"Here she is!" White Mage smiles, introducing her.
"Uh...listen. You're really close to Mabel, right?" Dipper asks.
"Of course!" Gray smiles. "We've had our quarrels, but...we're stuck like glitter glue!"
Dipper says, "Okay, well, Mabel's been kidnapped. Is there a way you could--"
"Kidnapped!? I'm on it!" Gray yells, running out.
"Um, where are you going, exactly!?" Dipper yells down the hallway she sprinted through.
Gray runs back and stops, panting.
"!" Gray gasps for breath, turning back around and running.
     Dipper, Pacifica, and Gray enter Gray's room.
"If I can find one of Mabel's letters she sent me, I can use my magic on the DNA to find her...I think," Gray explains. She opens a box full of all of the letters Mabel has ever sent her.
"And I've got a surplus!" Gray says happily. "Now, stand back. This is a spell meant for more of a pro, may or may not work, because it combines light and dark magic, and it's meant for a higher class of mage!"
Dipper backs up and motions for Pacifica to get behind him.
Gray chooses one letter and murmurs a spell.
"Gizxp, Gizxp, Gizxp! Nzyvo!" Gray yells, summoning gray magic. In one hand she wields light, and in the other she wields dark. With much effort, she finally manages to combine the two.
The magic pulses in her hands and the room vibrates. Right when Dipper expects a flash of gray light or something, the energy disappears and the room goes still.
"Um...did it work, or...?" Dipper asks.
"Yes! Yes, I can see her right now!" Gray squeals, her pupils turning gray.
Dipper rushes right over, Pacifica close behind.
"It's showing me images of her right now," Gray says, and then suddenly gasps.
"What!? What's wrong?" Dipper pleads, grabbing her by the wrist.
"No time. Must hurry!" Gray snaps, grabbing Dipper's wrist back, then Pacifica's, and transporting away.
     They appear right in front of a broken-down, abandoned building. Above the front gates there are letters which read, "Deep Falls Orphanage".
"Deep Falls Orphanage...!?" Dipper breathes, confused.
"Deep Falls? Wow! Haven't heard of that place in, like, ten years!" Gray says, looking the building up and down. "Deep Falls was a small town extremely deep into the woods, an extension of Gravity Falls, you could say; though Gravity Falls kinda ignored them and pretended they weren't there. Apparently some kinda disaster struck, though no one can remember what it was. Whatever it was, it forced everyone to leave, and no one has visited it ever since,"
"Are you kidding me!? How have I not heard of this!?" Dipper gasps, eyes widening. "This is just...amazing! Do you even know just how many mysteries could be bundled up in this place!?"
Pacifica and Gray stare at him, raising their eyebrows.
"Oh, right...uh, sorry. Just got a little...excited there," Dipper clears his throat. "Anyway...why are we here?"
"We are here because Mabel is here," Gray says, pointing to the vast building which must have numerous hallways and rooms waiting to be treaded upon. "And if we ever wanna find her in time, we better start searching now!"

 "And if we ever wanna find her in time, we better start searching now!"

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(Note: Guys, look, I did it!! I made another chapter!! 😱😄👏🏻

Readers: wow congrats. maybe you'll start posting them more than once a month.😒
Me: I know, right!? That would be AWESOME!!😄
Readers: 😠
Me: *\(^v^)/*
Readers: 🙁
Me: *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Readers: ok fine that is adorable!😊
Me: So you still like me!? 😃
Readers: fine yes okay I do! But don't push it!😏
Me: YAY!!! 🤗😄

...sorry, having no internet is starting to get to me...😰

....anyway, thank you all SO MUCH for reading! Hope you loved it!
WHAT is the mystery behind Deep Falls Orphanage?
WHO has captured Mabel, and WHY?
Will they find her before it's too late?
Find out in...
Keep Calm and Waddles On!!❤️🐷❤️

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