Chapter Eight- Soos's Not-So-Relaxing Walk

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Mabel opens her eyes, but everything is blurry.
"Where...Dipper...?" Mabel is able to mumble.
"Hey, it's all right, we're almost done," she hears someone say. "We just gotta stitch up this last wound and you can rest for a while, 'kay?"
Mabel tries to lift up her arm to rub her eyes, but winces.
"Careful," the nurse says. "That one got burnt pretty bad,"
"I...need to...know...where's Dipper...?" Mabel grunts.
"Dipper?" the lady replies, trying to converse with her, to keep Mabel's mind off of the stitching. "And who might that be?"
"The boy...who brought me here," Mabel replies. "Well...I think...he did,"
Everything after Dipper turned his back on me is a bit blurry, Mabel thinks, not knowing what happened after that, nor how Dipper saved her.
"Oh, yes, I do recall a boy," the nurse chats. "But I wasn't really paying attention to him at that moment!"
The lady nods towards Mabel's injuries.
"Right...I got hurt...pretty bad, huh," Mabel sighs.
"Yes, you did," the nurse says. "But it's gonna be okay. And I'll have someone check to see if that Dipper boy is in the waiting room, okay?"
"Thanks," Mabel smiles, closing her eyes.
"But, before you nod off, can you give me your parent or guardian's number to contact?" the lady requests.
"Right...Grunkle Stan is not gonna like this," Mabel sighs.
After Dipper watches the doctors take Mabel off to a room, he immediately turns and leaves before the desk lady can notice him.
He is limping through a forest trail which leads to the Mystery Shack, sweat trickling down his forehead.
It stings him to think his other personalities let her get torn apart like that.
"I...just gotta get to...Stan and...he'll know what to do," Dipper mumbles, eyes feeling heavy. "For some reason, I don't...feel so..."
He collapses to the ground, limp.
What's happening...? Dipper thinks.
Then he remembers his chest wound, and tries to look at it, but cringes.
He feels pale and cold, blood draining from his body.
"It's...okay...Mabel is safe..." Dipper whispers to himself. "That's...all that matters,"
With that, he closes his eyes and falls asleep.
"Pumpkin? Mabel, you okay?" Stan asks, softly.
Mabel opens her eyes with a yawn.
"Stan...?" Mabel mumbles.
"I'm here for ya," Stan sighs, worriedly. "But...what happened?"
"It's a long story," Mabel grunts sourly, remembering Dipper's betrayal and the torturous pain.
Who even knows if he was the one who saved me and brought me here, Mabel thinks.
"I'm listenin'," Stan says.
"I got...attacked by someone," Mabel says, vaguely.
"What!? Who? I'll knock his lights out for hurtin' my great niece!" Stan says angrily, standing up.
"I'm...not sure, I didn't see the person," Mabel mumbles.
I don't like lying to Stan, Mabel thinks. But then I'd have to go all the way back to how we have powers and how Dipper got his head injury would be too much.
"Where's Dipper? Was Dipper there?" Stan asks.
"No...wait, he...he wasn't in the waiting room with you?" Mabel asks.
"Uh, no," Stan says.
Mabel frowns.
"I...don't know where he is," she says, eyes widening. "Stan...we have to find him!"
"Hey, calm down! He's probably still back at the shack!" Stan replies.
"No, he...he actually was with me, Stan. My attacker could be after him right now!" Mabel says, sitting up.
She immediately regrets her actions when she feels instant pain all over her body.
"Agh!" she yells, collapsing back down. "Literally everything hurts,"
"Hey, don't worry about it," Stan says. "I'll go after him, and when I find that jerk who screwed you up like this, he's gonna wish he never messed with a Pines!"
     "Doo-doo-doo-doo! Takin' a walk in the forest!" Soos hums to himself. "Don't really know why, but I'm takin' a walk in the--"
Soos stops in his tracks when he sees what, from a distance, looks like a hurt animal.
"Oh my, that's not good," Soos says gravely, but then continues humming. "Helpin' a wounded animal in the fooorest,"
He walks over to take a closer look, and gasps.
"Oh no," Soos breathes. "Not good, dude, not good!"
Dipper lays there in a puddle of blood, pale, and unresponsive.
"Oh, dude, what do I do!?" Soos panics.
He grabs his own head and looks from left to right, until he calms down enough to take action.
"Pickin' up Dipper and taking him to the hospital!" he says, except this time, in a worried tone.
     Wendy bikes down the same trail, and spots them from a distance.
She smiles and waves, but frowns when she realizes something is wrong.
"Wendy! Wendy, Dipper is hurt!" Soos cries.
"What...!? Again?" Wendy sighs.
She bikes closer, then parks her bike to see how bad it is.
Her eyes widen at the gaping hole. "Well, crap. Okay, I'll sling him over my back and bike him over. That'll be faster,"
"Ya sure, dude?" Soos asks, looking down at Dipper nervously.
"Positive," Wendy says, seriously. "Trust me, I won't let anything happen to Dipper while I'm on the watch!"
Wendy takes Dipper and gently slings him over her back.
"You're gonna be okay," she mutters to him.
She takes off.
"I'll see you there!" Soos yells, running after them as fast as possible, gasping for breath.
     Wendy takes Dipper in her arms, jumps off of the bike, and pushes through the glass doors, all in a split second.
"Lady! Emergency, now!" Wendy yells, pointing at Dipper.
"Oh, my! Uh, right away!" the lady stutters frantically, calling some more people to come down and assist him this time.
The doctors put him on the stretcher and take off, Wendy following close behind.
"Hey, miss, stay back! You can't come in here while we're operating!" one of the doctors say, blocking her from the room entrance after Dipper is wheeled inside.
"But...I..." Wendy stutters, trying to peer over his shoulder at Dipper, needing to know he'll be alright.
"Miss, please," the doctor says.
Wendy looks at the ground and sighs.
The doctor nods, going in and closing the door, and Wendy gloomily walks back to the waiting room, tears threatening to escape from her eyes.

(Note: by the way, these pics I edited here were taken from my Instagram account, dippers_birthmark! ^^Anyways, it's gettin' hot up in here, peoples! I don't know if you guys can hang off of that cliff for much longer! 😳😝😁Thank you guys so much...

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(Note: by the way, these pics I edited here were taken from my Instagram account, dippers_birthmark! ^^
Anyways, it's gettin' hot up in here, peoples! I don't know if you guys can hang off of that cliff for much longer! 😳😝😁
Thank you guys so much for your patience and support, you guys rock!!
Sorry I didn't post this last night, my internet was being a dum dum. =_=
Keep Calm and Waddles On!! ❤️🐷✌🏻️)

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