Chapter Twentyseven- Dipper's Round of Truth or Dare

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It's now nighttime, around six hours after the "ice cream incident", and it seems like as the day went on, more and more people were beginning to treat Dipper like a wanted criminal or something.
Dipper lies awake in his bed, sighing. He slowly begins to drift off to sleep, when suddenly, he hears a voice.
"Maaaaaaason," it whispers. "Oh, Maaaaaaason!"
Dipper sits up with a start, eyes wide.
"Mabel, was that you...?" he starts, but notices she's asleep.
"Mason...don't fall asleep," the voice whispers. "I'm watching you. Waiting,"
Sweat trickles down Dipper's forehead.
N...Nobody knows my real name but Mabel, Mom, and Dad, Dipper thinks.
Then, out of the corner of his eye, he sees bright, glowing blue eyes.
He snaps his gaze in that direction, but when he looks, there's nothing there.
Dipper hesitantly lays back down, pulls the covers over his head, and has a very unpleasant night, in which he never falls asleep.
     Dipper is sitting on the front porch of the Mystery Shack yet again, except this time, Mabel is up in their room with Grenda and Candy.
It's around 11 o'clock in the morning, and Dipper is reading through the journal, when suddenly, he feels someone tap him roughly on his shoulder.
Dipper glances up and, to his surprise, he sees a woman in a black suit carrying a notebook, smiling down at him warmly.
"Excuse me, are you Dipper Pines?" the woman inquires, widening her bright blue eyes in observation.
"Um...yes...?" Dipper stutters hesitantly, raising an eyebrow.
"Hi, I'm Alice. I'm just here to ask you a few questions. May I take a seat?" Alice asks, gesturing to a spot beside him.
"Excuse me, who are you?" Dipper asks, narrowing his eyes.
"Oh, I'm just a therapist. I'm aware you've been through some tough circumstances lately, so I'm here to simply ask about them. Is that okay?" she asks.
"I don't know who called you in, but I don't need a therapist!" Dipper states, rolling his eyes. "I've had just about enough of people staring at me like I'm a serial killer or something!"
Alice glances down at her notepad and quickly jots down a few notes.
"It's actually my duty, Mr. Pines," she states, calmly, glancing back up from her notepad. "When there are public suicidal...attempts, I am called in to question the troubled person who did so,"
"I am not troubled," Dipper says, defensively. "'ll just be wasting your time,"
"Maybe, but I'll give it a shot anyway. Alright?" the lady smiles, taking a seat next to him. "This won't take long,"
Dipper sighs, and closes his journal.
"Alright. What do you want?" Dipper grumbles negatively.
Alice once again scribbles a couple notes down on her notepad and continues. Dipper gulps.
"I just have a few short questions for you, alright?" she says. "Have you had trouble sleeping recently?"
Dipper instantly remembers last night.
"That's none of your business, and has absolutely nothing to do with anything," Dipper mumbles.
Alice raises an eyebrow at him, and he sighs.
"Yes," he reluctantly replies.
"See, that wasn't so hard!" she smiles, writing down his response. "Alright...have you been confused lately? Arguing with yourself, perhaps?"
"Yeah, and so does every normal person at some point or another," Dipper states, rubbing his eyes.
"Okay...have you snapped at people more easily recently?" Alice asks.
"...No, and once again, I don't see the reasoning behind asking these questions," Dipper grunts.
"Have you been seeing or hearing things? Having hallucinations, perhaps?" Alice questions.
Once again, Dipper widens his eyes, remembering last night.
"N-No," Dipper stutters.
Alice mumbles, looking suspicious, and writing down some notes.
Dipper begins to sweat.
Crap...apparently I'm a terrible liar, Dipper thinks.
"Have you recently had trust issues with people?" Alice asks.
"Define trust issues," Dipper says. "Listen. I trust my friends and family just fine, but not people who--"
Dipper stops talking in the middle of his sentence, and stares into space.
Dipper has zoned out again.
His soul is thrown out of his body again, and in the mindscape, he groans.
"Wow, this is the most brilliant timing in the world! Great job, Dipper!" Dipper yells to himself, sarcastically.
"Um, Mr. Pines...?" Alice asks, poking him. "Who what?"
Within a minute or two, Dipper's soul is finally accepted back into his body.
"--not people who randomly walk up to me and start asking questions...!" Dipper finishes, snapping back into reality.
"Uh...huh," Alice says, looking a bit concerned and checking off a few boxes.
"Alright...thank you for your time, sir," Alice says, standing up and smiling again. "I'll be checking back with you very soon, okay?"
With that, she gets in her car and drives off.
"Just perfect, just brilliant," Dipper mutters to himself, hitting his own head and walking back into the Mystery Shack.
"Dipper, just in time! We're about to play Truth or Dare!" Mabel smiles, waving Dipper over.
"You realize that is probably the most dreaded game among guys, right?" Dipper states.
"Awe, c'mon, you promised!" Mabel whines.
"I don't recall promising anything of the sort," Dipper states. "Plus, I'm pretty sure I made up for it by taking you to get ice cream instead,"
"Awe, c'mon! Just one round, man! For Mabel!" Grenda yells, slamming her fists on a random table.
"One round of the truth or dare would be best way to celebrate not being dead," Candy nods.
Mabel stares at Dipper with wide, pleading eyes. Dipper sighs and relents.
      Dipper finds himself sitting in their circle, about to answer the dreaded question.
"Truth or dare!" Mabel asks, pointing to Dipper.
Dipper sighs.
"Truth," he reluctantly mumbles, resting the side of his face in his hand.
Mabel, Grenda, and Candy all huddle up to discuss their plan of action.
"This is increasingly feeling more like a trap," Dipper states.
"Okay!" Mabel announces, spinning to face him. "We hath decided!"
"Alright, listen up, Dipstick!" Grenda yells. "Why'd you kill yourself!?"
Dipper widens his eyes and glances at Mabel.
"What? We did not agree on asking that, Grenda!" Candy whispers. "This is delicate situation!"
"What!? I'd like to know!" Grenda huffs, crossing her arms. "You scared the crap out of us! And you hurt Mabel!"
Mabel looks at the ground, but quickly composes herself and smiles.
"D-Dipper has already been through this with me," Mabel says, trying to seem casual, waving the thought off with her hand. "He'll tell me when he's ready!"
Dipper frowns, noticing his twin's grim expression, and sighs sadly.
"Alright, let's ask him real question!" Candy says, changing the topic. "Would you drink gallon of Mabel Juice for fifty dollars?"
"Well, I think that question is kind of contradictory," Dipper grins, trying to lighten the mood. "I would get fifty dollars if I drank it; but I'd die from the mysterious ingredients which can't be consumed in large amounts,"
The girls giggle, and Mabel playfully punches Dipper, laughing.
But Dipper still sees sadness in Mabel's eyes through all of the laughter.

(Note: Thanks for reading! I have new plans for the future, so you can rest assured knowing I'm not going through writer's block {yet}! 😁 Comment your thoughts! What do you think these chapters are missing? What do you think I could write more of...

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(Note: Thanks for reading! I have new plans for the future, so you can rest assured knowing I'm not going through writer's block {yet}! 😁 Comment your thoughts! What do you think these chapters are missing? What do you think I could write more of? Does this story need more action, drama, creepiness, or romance? Let me know! I really value your opinion! Love yas!!!😄💕🐷 -Mabelwaffles127)

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