Chapter Thirtytwo- A Way Home?

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Alright. I've played along with this charade far too long, Dipper thinks to himself.
It's been a few days since Dipper was thrust into this new reality, the line between this one and the old one becoming more and more blurred. He's getting frustrated and he's finally decided to tell Mabel; because if anyone could possibly understand, it would be her.
Dipper walks over to where Mabel is scrapbooking, and sighs.
"Um...Mabel? I have to tell you something," Dipper starts. "It's kinda weird...and you'll probably think I'm crazy or something,"
"I already think you're crazy! Ha!" Mabel laughs, poking him. Then she hesitantly rubs her arm and says, "Okay, what's up?"
"Well...listen. I actually...well, I don't remember anything from my lifetime here," Dipper admits. "I've...I've just been rolling with everything because, frankly, I'm pretty confused,"
"Um...what now!?" Mabel stutters, eyes wide. "Wait, you don't remember anything? I knew your concussion was bad, but...but not that bad! did you know about our separation then? Or how did you know we were even siblings?"
"Well, the answer to your first question is, I heard about it from Stan and Ford when I read through your scrapbook," Dipper stutters rubbing his arm. "And the answer to your second question is a little more complicated,"
"I've got time," Mabel says, looking a mix of sad, confused, and worried.
"Well...I remember you from another reality," Dipper explains. "A reality where we grew up together in California. A reality where we were twelve and we were visiting the Mystery Shack over the summer. For the first time,"
"That's...that's...that's crazy!" Mabel breathes, not knowing what else to say.
"I...yeah," Dipper sighs, avoiding eye contact. "One day I just...woke up here. The day I got the concussion, supposedly,"
"What if...what if this is all because of your concussion!? It has to be because of your concussion," Mabel says determinedly.
"My concussion was too small to effect me that badly," Dipper mumbles, rubbing his head. "Do you have any idea what exactly could be the cause of this?"
"No," Mabel sighs, looking down. "I mean, there is that dusty old portal that Ford used to use to travel to other dimensions,"
"What? That could be exactly how I got here!" Dipper says, eyes wide. "Where is it?"
"But it hasn't been turned on since before we were even born, so I've heard," Mabel snaps. "And I just got you back, you can't--!"
Mabel blinks back tears and sighs, quickly looking away.
Dipper then realizes how she must feel; him talking about leaving and actually belonging to another dimension was a pretty stupid move since she just decided to start trusting him again.
"Um...sorry," Dipper sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm just...just trying to figure things out,"
"It's just the concussion," Mabel says, standing up and walking out. "You'll get your memory back. It's just the concussion,"
She closes the door behind her.
Dipper sits alone, staring into his lap, and sighs.
How'd I get myself into this situation...? Dipper thinks sadly.
     Dipper is eating a Popsicle when Wendy walks in the door.
"Oh, uh, hey Wendy!" Dipper stutters, waving hi.
"Hey, Dipwad!" Wendy grins, giving him a big hug.
Dipper tenses up a bit, surprised.
Wendy backs up and frowns, placing her hand on her hip.
"Um...Dipper? You alright?" Wendy asks, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, no, don't tell me,"
"Don't tell you what?" Dipper replies, confused.
"Don't tell me you forgot that we're dating," Wendy finishes, looking a bit worried.
Dipper's eyes widen and he immediately blushes.
He's frozen in shock, the wind knocked out of him.
No. This can't be happening. Wendy and I...d-d-d-d-dating...!? Dipper thinks, his heart pumping 90 miles per hour.
"Dipper? Dipper!" Wendy says, waving her hand in front of his face.
"U-Uh, r-right! I m-mean, o-of c-course we're d-dating! I mean, I knew that!" Dipper barely manages to choke out, stuttering.
"Are you sure?" Wendy says suspiciously, squinting her eyes.
"Y-Yeah, yes, of course," Dipper responds, nodding.
"If you say so," Wendy sighs, shaking her head. "But seriously, tell me if something's wrong, 'kay?"
"Yep, okay, sure," Dipper stutters, still nodding.
Wendy hesitantly walks away, shaking her head.
Dipper doesn't know what to say or even think, so he slowly finds his way to the vending machine.
"Huh. Why did I come here?" Dipper wonders, shrugging.
But then he sees in place of the vending machine is a big, metal door.
"What the...?" Dipper mumbles.
He sees there's a code you're supposed to enter on the wall to the side.
"Um...?" Dipper mumbles.
Suddenly, he receives a vision of a code being typed into a vending machine; and as soon as it came, it's gone.
"Ah! What the heck was...!?" Dipper mutters, rubbing his head.
After he's calmed down, he hesitantly types in the code.
The door opens up and he walks down the stairs; he reaches the elevator.
Without thinking, Dipper types in the code and presses the down button, the elevator doors sliding open.
He walks inside.
The doors slide open and he steps into Stan's lab.
"Whoa...!" Dipper gasps, eyes wide. "I know this wasn't in my reality. At least, I don't...think it was,"
He sees Stan and Ford working on a helmet of some sort.
"Hey...Grunkles," Dipper states, walking over. Dipper glances up, noticing the dormant portal.
That's my ticket out, Dipper thinks. I bet that's where I am at. I must be in an alternate reality...another dimension.
"Ah, hello, Dipper!" Ford smiles, motioning for him to come over. "You're just in time,"
"We're working on a memory helmet. Somethin' that'll bring back your memories and correct the false ones," Stan says.
"Um, what?" Dipper says, nervously. "I would rather you not, um...correct the false ones,"
"Why not? They're confusing you," Ford states. "Don't worry, we're running many tests before we try it on you. Then you'll be good as new,"
"Um...right. So, what's with the portal?" Dipper says quickly, changing the subject.
"What do you mean, what's with the portal?" Ford asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Well...does it still work? Not like I'd wanna use it or anything," Dipper laughs nervously, rubbing his other arm.
"No, it doesn't still work. Not after that incident," Stan says sternly.
"Well, technically it still works. But only for emergencies. The one time we turned it on, the whole town lost power!" Ford explains.
"Why'd you create it in the first place?" Dipper asks, glancing over at the controls to see if he could figure out how to turn it back on, buying for time.
"Well, after Stanley and I reunited years ago, we teamed up to make this inter-dimensional portal," Ford says.
"We thought, hey, if we can't sail the seas, why not travel through space and time?" Stan laughs, shaking his head. "'Cause, we couldn't leave town with Shermie bein' here at the time and all,"
"Let's just say it backfired completely. Right when we figured out how to choose the dimension we wanted to go to, it...fizzled out," Ford sighs. "And it hurt Stan in the process,"
Dipper looks back at them and frowns.
"I got out just in time," Stan sighs. "Long story short, don't touch it!"
"I got it, I got it!" Dipper laughs, rubbing the back of his head.
I've gotta figure that thing out and get back home, Dipper thinks. But...but what about Mabel?

(Note: Uh-oh, Dipper is starting to feel conflicted! 😳 Thanks for reading, hope ya loved it! 😃 Any critiques or personal preferences that you have I would love to hear! Feel free to leave your awesome thoughts in the comments

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(Note: Uh-oh, Dipper is starting to feel conflicted! 😳 Thanks for reading, hope ya loved it! 😃 Any critiques or personal preferences that you have I would love to hear! Feel free to leave your awesome thoughts in the comments. 😁✋🏻 See you very soon in...Chapter Thirtythree!! Baiiii! 😎😄💞🐷 -Mabelwaffles127)

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