BONUS Deleted Chapter!

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Hey, guys!! I'm sorry it's taking a while, I didn't realize life would be this hectic when school started. 😭
I wrote this little chapter a short while ago, and I thought it was really cute, but I just couldn't fit it in anywhere at that time.
And despite life's current craziness, I don't wanna abandon you guys.'s a bonus chapter to tide you over about how know-it-all Dipper finally accepts Mabel's friendship!! Ta-da!! 😁👏🏻❤️✌🏻️🐷

Mabel and Dipper are eating lunch together.
"So, uh, have any plans today?" Dipper asks.
Did know-it-all-depressing Dipper just ask me a normal, non-depressing question...!? Mabel thinks.
"Uh...not really," Mabel replies.
"Sounds boring," Dipper says.
"Yeah," Mabel replies awkwardly. "Oh yeah, and I probably should study the journal more today,"
"Even more boring!" Dipper laughs. "Why don't we do something fun?" Dipper smiles.
Mabel looks at him, surprised.
"Really? Did I...hear you right, or...did you just ask me to do something fun with you!?" Mabel asks, surprised.
"Yeah, come on! We, have some fun, try to predict the way we'll both die?" Dipper says.
Mabel raises an eyebrow.
"Er, or we could do...whatever you consider fun," Dipper mumbles.
Mabel smiles.
"I think the local fair might be today," Mabel says, rubbing her chin.
" think that's fun?" Dipper asks.
"Yes," Mabel says.
"Okay, fine, then let's go," Dipper shrugs.
They arrive at the fair, Mabel's eyes sparkling.
"This reminds me of the time I got Waddles!" Mabel smiles. "Awe...I haven't hung out with Waddles much lately,"
Mabel sighs, looking down.
"If he's your pet, I assume he understands that life is always extremely chaotic," Dipper nods plainly.
"Yeah...with how things have been lately, your kind of right, I guess!" Mabel laughs.
Dipper and Mabel played fair games the rest of the day.
Dipper started off looking unamused, but in the end, he grew a soft spot for mindless fair games.
Now they are riding together on the ferris wheel.
"This has been surprisingly fun," Dipper admits, looking at the beautiful nighttime view, colored lights glowing from the other rides below them. "Despite the fact I've lost 10 IQ points,"
"Ha, told ya!" Mabel winks. "So...why'd ya start being nice to me?"
"Because...I realized Bill was wrong about one thing," Dipper sighs, looking at the ground. "Friendship does exist,"
Mabel widens her eyes in surprise, and smiles.
"I could've told you that!" Mabel says, putting her hand on his shoulder.
"And I'm sorry I didn't help out the other day," Dipper mumbles, apologizing against his will.
"Hey, it's okay," Mabel sighs. "It's over now. But...thanks for apologizing!"
"This...doesn't mean I'll stop asking depressing questions, though!" Dipper laughs.
Mabel smiles, and rolls her eyes.
Well, I think I'm finally on good terms with all three Dippers, Mabel thinks.
"Alright, we should probably get home," Mabel says. "'Cause I really wanna hug Waddles now!"

Love you guys, thanks so much for reading and your AMAZINGLY PATIENT selves!!😱😄❤️
Have a peaceful night, and hopefully dream of Waddles tonight! 💕✌🏻️🐷

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