01 | Starting Over

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It was three years ago when Kristen and Robert broke up. After a flurry of raised voices and anger-laced arguments, the two decided to go on a break after being together for three years. 

The first few weeks were hard. No matter how much Kristen went out to party and Robert went out to get hammered, the two found it hard to move on. 

What's worse is that these two had the same circle of friends, and their group had to fix their schedules so the two wouldn't ever have to see each other again. 

By the third month, they found the task to be impossible, and eventually just gave up. So, they decided it was time for the two to meet again. 



Three months after the breakup

"Suzie, please don't drag me there." Kristen pleaded as her best friend tugged on her hand. "I don't want to see his face."

"Grow the fuck up, Kristen!" Suzie snapped at Kristen. "It's been months since you two saw each other. The two of you are mature adults, and you have to face him eventually. Jesus Christ, you two used to be best friends!" Kristen flinched as the weight of Suzie's words descended on her. 

"Suzie, I know. Look, I just.. I just don't want to see that look on his face. I know I cheated on him, and it kills me to know how much it killed him. " Kristen rubbed her face as she tried to fend off the tears she knew would eventually come. With a sigh, Suzie sat beside her on the bed, rubbing her back to comfort her. 

"Kris, look. We know it was terrible how the two of you ended things. It's not the end of the world, okay? You're not the only one who was wrong. You know how Tom told off Rob because he was being a dick to you. Look, we make mistakes, and we grow up. I'm pretty sure you want to see him again. We just don't want to see the two of you throw away what you had, and it's also pretty fucking hard to walk on eggshells around the two of you. "

Silence fell between the two friends. Kristen realized that Suzie was right, no matter how much she didn't want to admit it. The breakup between Rob and her took a toll on their friends, and she missed a lot of things. She missed the way the two of them always talked late into the night, their own little bubble before they hooked up. She wanted to see him again, even with the knowledge that nothing romantic could ever happen again between the two of them.

"Alright. Fine. I'll go to this freaking dinner." Suzie smiled, knowing that Kristen on some level, still wanted to see her ex-boyfriend again. Sometimes, she just wanted to clunk their heads together to make them see what's been there all along.

Maybe this time, the two of them will realize that they're meant to be together


"Are you fucking serious? Kris is gonna be there for dinner?" Robert shouted, making Tom wince at the pitch of his voice. 

"Yes, you twat. You have a problem with that?" Tom asked. Rob frowned, not knowing what to do. Part of him wanted to ditch the dinner, knowing for sure it would be awkward as fuck with his ex-girlfriend there. 

Part of him wanted to see her again, making his heart ache and his throat close up after remembering the best three years of his life. 

"Tom, c'mon. I can't see her again. It's awkward and fucked up, y'know?" Robert groaned, sinking further into the couch.

"Wonder why that is?" Tom snapped at Rob. He had had enough of Robert's bullshit attitude the past few months, and he made sure Robert was completely aware of it.

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