20 | Surprise

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"Are you ready?" He asked, looking into her eyes. 

For a moment, she didn't know what to reply.

What if this all goes down in flames? 

No. Don't think like that. 

Everything is going to be fine. 

Unless it won't. 

Oh, what the hell.

"Probably not." Suzie took a deep breath as she watched the people set up in the garden. Sienna was chatting with the workers, telling them how to arrange the chairs and tables. 

"Do you think she'll like it?" Suzie asked Jack. 

"Of course. I mean it's classy, but simple, so you know Kristen will be all for it. Besides, you invited the people most important to her, and that's what matters." Jack wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him. 

"Thanks Jack. You're pretty cool once you stop being a jackass."

"Oi. I'm a perfectly lovable fellow, I'll have you know." Jack argued.

"Sure." Suzie laughed as she walked towards Sienna, leaving Jack by himself. 

"Hey? Where's the food? Where's the rest of the decorations?" Sienna asked, clearly frustrated as she studied the empty chairs and tables. "I asked them what happened, and they said you should contact the office directly. We've only got a few hours left and Robert can only stall Kristen for so long."

"Mmkay. I'm on it." She pulled out her phone, dialing the number of the events company. After a few rings, the number picked up."Hi, Eventscape? This is Suzie Riemer. I just wanted to know what time the people are coming?" 

A cheery voice at the other end spoke. "Hi Suzie! Sorry, can I have your last name again?" 

"It's Riemer. R-I-E-M-E-R. We need to set up for the shower ASAP."

"Okay, just a minute please" Across the garden, Sienna tapped her wristwatch, looking at Suzie. Sienna was really agitated, not wanting to mess up the party. She wanted everything to go perfectly. Suzie motioned her to wait for a minute, holding up a finger as the other line replied. 

"Okay, Suzie. Looks like there's been a delay, but the decorations should be there in less than 30 minutes. The stripper is going to arrive a little later, probably by 6 PM."

"Okay. That sounds great. I just- Sorry, wait a minute. Did you say stripper?"

"Uhm, yes. The people will set up the decors once they arrive. There's dick-shaped balloons, dick-shaped straws, dick-shaped candies, dick-shaped cake, the usual stuff."

"What?" Suzie yelled into the phone. "I didn't order any of that shit! Motherfucker!" 

She could hear the other voice gulping. "I'm sorry, but it's written here. One bridal shower for Suzie Reimer."

"Oh my god. It's baby. I wanted a baby shower. Jesus fucking Christ! Who's the person I talked to? I want to give him a piece of my mind."

The person on the other end of the receiver started to mumble nervously. "I'm sorry, Ma'am. I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, please enjoy the complementary stripper and the cake." 

"I DON'T WANT TO EAT A GODDAMNED DICK CAKE AND I SURE AS HELL DON'T NEED A GODDAMNED STRIPPER!"  Suzie yelled into the phone, tapping end call as she was breathing heavily. 

"Suzie, what the hell happened?" Sienna asked, rushing towards Suzie as she saw the heated exchange that happened over the phone.

"Stupid motherfucking events place. They sent us a bridal shower, not a baby shower." Suzie grumbled.

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