15 | Move

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"I can't believe it. Our baby girl's about to have a baby soon." Sienna pretends to wipe away a tear from her eye as she says this. Kristen laughs, thinking that Sienna's just being over the top. As usual. 

"It's not like I'm 19 anymore, you know." Kristen huffed, bringing back her attention to the plate in front of her.

"Time goes by so fast." Tom muses, stroking his beard as he speaks, making Jack laugh out loud. Kristen rolls her eyes, continuing to eat her meal. 

Suzie pipes up. "Hey, where's Alicia? She's usually here for Sunday brunch." All four of her friends look at her. 

Kristen falls quiet, replying in a soft voice." Oh. Uhh..Well, we kinda broke up last Friday."

The group shouts in resonance.


"What happened?"

"Are you okay?"

Kristen shushed her friends. "All right, calm down. It's not that big of a deal."

Sienna screeched."Not that big of a deal? You're frigging pregnant and she leaves you!" 

"Well, actually, I broke it off with her." Kristen confessed. 

"What?" Suzie said, giving her a worried look.

Kristen swallowed back, trying her best to explain what happened with crying. "Yeah. It's just, we were stuck in the relationship for all the wrong reasons. We just went through the motions, and I guess enough was enough. I'm pretty sure we just stayed in it because we didn't want to be alone." Tears were starting to build up, and eventually, she just started crying. "Fucking hell,  these hormones are making me too damn emotional." She hiccuped as the rest of her friends enclosed her in a group hug. 

"Aww, Kris. I told you, you'll never be alone." Sienna said in a hushed tone, trying to comfort her. 

"I know that, but it's still scary you know? I don't think I can handle this baby alone. I mean, what if I mess up?" By this time, Kristen was blubbering, and her friends were working overtime to calm her down.  

"Kristen, love, you have to stop, okay? You'll be great. And we'll never leave you alone, you can make sure of that." Tom said, giving Kristen a hug. 

"I love you guys." Kristen finally replied, wiping the tears off of her face. 

"If it's any better, I'll cook dinner for all of us tonight. Just like old times. Sound good?" Sienna says, clasping her hands together. 

The group erupted in cheers as they continued the rest of their meal. The rest of the meal was spent exchanging hilarious anecdotes and remembering great memories. Somewhere in the middle of it, Jack piped in. 

"Come to think of it, where is Robert? He's usually here. Unless you know, He's all wrapped up in Tahl again."

"Yeah right. Last I heard the two were having trouble in paradise." Suzie snorted. 

"Yep. Robert told me himself two weeks ago." Kristen said, grabbing a glass of water and downing it in one gulp. 

"Oh he did, did he?" Jack asked, looking amused.

Tom and Sienna exchanged a look, a smirk on both of their faces. Suzie looked like she was about to explode from the  laugh she  was holding back. 

"Alright you guys, What's so funny?" Kristen asked, cocking an eyebrow at her friends. 

"Nothing. It's just you know you're single, Robert's probably going to be single.." Suzie trailed off, amused at the situation unfolding right before their eyes. 

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