14 | Turnabout

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"Don't forget your multivitamins okay, Kristen? Other than that, you're well on your way to the third trimester and before you know it, the baby will be here." The doctor smiled, then turned to Robert. "Mr. Pattinson, take care of her, alright?" With a pat on the shoulder, the doctor ushered the two out of her office.

As they sat in the waiting area, the two were overcome with excitement at the thought of their child growing every day. "Four more months 'til the little one's here." Kristen mused, rubbing her now protruding stomach.

"I know. Exciting isn't it?"

"Yeah. But it's also scary at the same time,you know? Like it feels just like yesterday that we were in the bar, then ended up with little one over here." She said, looking down at the little bundle of joy she was carrying.

"Great times." Robert chuckled, placing his hand on her bump.

"The greatest." Kristen said quietly, repeating the same words they said during that fateful night. Her eyes met his, and quickly averted her eyes, trying to ease the tension she was feeling between them.

Robert cleared his throat, trying to change the subject. "So, how are things with Alicia?"

"It's....okay." She replied, trying to find the right words to describe their situation. Robert raises an eyebrow, curious to find out more, but to her relief, he lets the topic go.

"Hey, how about you and Tahl? Things seem to be going really well, right?" Kristen says, bumping his shoulder with hers.

"Uhm, yeah. She's been kinda distant lately. It bothers me." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. If he was being honest, for some reason he was embarrassed to tell this to Kristen.

"Really? Why? What's going on with you two?"

" It's not like she's hiding something from me. It's just everytime I try to get closer to her, she backs off. I don't know." His shoulders drop as his stare focuses on the ground. "I don't know."

"Maybe she's scared to tell you something. I don't know, maybe she's got a problem? Or maybe she's pregnant?" Kristen says, realizing a bit too late the implications of what she said.

"I'm pretty sure that's not it. For one, we haven't had sex in months." He muttered under his breath.

"Really?" Kristen asked, incredulous at the piece of knowledge she just learned. "Who would have thought? The pregnant woman gets more done in bed than you." She smirks.

"Shut up, Kristen. I don't need to know what goes on in your bedroom."

"Just kidding, pal. The only fun in the bedroom I've had lately is a date with myself and Netflix. Alicia's always out because of work." She frowned, throwing her head back against the wall and exhales deeply. "But you know what? You have nothing to worry about. Maybe Tahl just needs time to herself, y'know?" She turns her head to look at Rob, her hand reaching out for his and gives it a small squeeze. "Besides, she's wearing your ring, right?"

"The claddagh? That barely passes as an engagement you know. It was just a gift I gave for her while we were in Ireland."

"Yes, but you gave it to her. And you know she never goes out without it! It's her way of wearing her heart on her sleeve." She smiles, a twinge of sadness at the memory of Robert talking about giving her a ring one day.

She might not have gotten the ring, but she got another gift from him that meant the world to her.


"Kristen, I'm sorry I have to go again for the weekend. But I promise, I'll take some time out for you, okay? I'll get some things for the baby too, hopefully. " Alicia says, kissing her on the forehead as she goes inside the bedroom to pack her things for her trip. Kristen gets up from the couch, her legs feeling wobbly as she walks towards Alicia.

Kristen stops at the doorway, and speaks in a soft voice. "Al, look. You don't have to do this."

Alicia stops packing to look at her. "What? The trip? Of course I have to. It's very important to me. You know that."

"Exactly. I meant that you don't have to squeeze me in every possible moment you have. You don't have to force yourself to be part of the baby's life just because we're together."

"Kristen, you're being crazy. Of course I want to be a part of the baby's life! You two are a package deal." Alicia frowns as she eyes Kristen warily.

"Are you doing this for me, or are you doing this for the relationship?" Kristen's words felt like a slap on the face for Alicia.

"Kris, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying I love you and that you love me. I'm saying that this relationship isn't about giving because we want it to work. It's because we love the other person and they deserve everything we have to give."

Kristen's voice was trembling, a sign that tears were about to fall at any moment.

Alicia stood up, immediately going near Kristen and held her tightly. As Alicia brushed Kristen's hair, she felt Kristen pull away.

"Al, I think it's time we took a break."


Trouble in paradise for FKA Twigs and RPattz?

The British couple have been the talk of the town ever since the two started dating, and it has been a whirlwind romance from the start. Two weeks in, Twigs was spotted wearing a gold ring on her right hand, calling it a "promise ring", which she said was a gift from Rob. Since then, Twigs has never left home without it.

However, months have passed since the two were spotted together. This is where it gets interesting. Last night, Twigs was seen coming home from a club with her friends, and guess what? Twigs wasn't wearing her ring anymore.

Is this the end of Twigs and Pattz? We'll find out soon enough.



Alternative Chapter Title:


FYI: A claddagh ring is a traditional Irish ring representing love, loyalty, and friendship.

This is what I had in mind for Tahliah's ring (Let me note that I have no idea what kind of ring Robert gave Tahliah. Pretty sure it's diamond studded. And you know, they're actually engaged IRL, unlike in this story) :

 And you know, they're actually engaged IRL, unlike in this story) :

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In other news, please check out our little contest. Head on over @Puddlebird 's profile, it's "One More Time, With READING!", in support of Kristen and her group's initiative to build a school in Nicaragua! It's going to be great <3

Anyway, See you next chapter lovelies. 😍😍

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