OUTTAKE - Jack + Suzie 4ever

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Outtake -   Jack + Suzie 4ever

Little conversations of the two throughout the story (and because I write conversations first before the actual story LOL)

Just a breather while I work on the final chapter

IRL,  They've been together for three years and they're just so adorable :(((

In other news, Brangelina is over and I have to stop romanticizing every celebrity couple in Hollywood JFC





"So, you want to go to dinner tonight? The whole gang's going to be there."

"Oh man. I can't. We're still in the studio recording, and I'd probably be asleep by the time dinner starts."

"Jack,  C'mon. The whole gang is there. Me, Tom, Sienna, Rob, Kristen!"

"No shit. Rob and Kristen? Together? In one table? Holy Shit!"

"Yes. I had to drag Kris out on her ass. Girl's been pretty lonely lately."

"Holy shit!"

"Really, Jack? Is that the only thing you can say?"

"Oh my god, fuck it. I'm going to dinner. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"You're just going for the drama, aren't you?'

"I resent that comment. I also missed you guys and I've been an arse the past few weeks, so fine. I'll go."


"Great. See you, Suze"

"See you, Jack."


"Would you believe Steph asked me to an orgy? What's up with that, right?"

"Suze, that's insane. She's insane. Yesterday, she asked me if I wanted to have a threesome. Thing is, the other girl wasn't Kristen."

"Yeah, Kristen's a prude for that shit."

"You wouldn't think that once you've heard Rob and Kristen's sexcapades."

"Oh my god, don't remind me. They couldn't keep their hands off each other. Like I remember one premiere, they were gone for like ten minutes and the next thing I knew, I had to help cover up hickies on Kris' neck in the ladies' room. Jesus Christ."

"Fuck,  Robert stole my wallet and took a condom during a gig. Seriously, they couldn't have waited until we were done playing?"

"Hey. You make sexy music."

"Why thank you, love. That means a lot."

"Don't mention it, Jack. Seriously. Never speak of this again. Can't keep feeding your ego, you know."


"Oh my god, Suze. Is it really okay that we left them in the restaurant like that?"

"Of course it is, Jack. Don't be silly. Those two need to pull their heads out of their asses."

"So? Where are we gonna go?"

"I don't know. You want some drinks?"


"Fuck, all the bars are full and I'm not in any mood to go to a club."

"Hey, I've got some drinks over at my place. Wanna go there?"

"You're inviting me.... to your place. Hmm. Totally not suspicious at all."

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