19 | Bet

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"Oh my god! Hey you guys. I thought you were going to be at the doctor's?" Suzie asked as she opened the door. Standing on the porch were Robert and Kristen looking excited. 

"Oh you know, we decided to drop by." Kristen said with a grin as Robert ushered her in. 

"Hey! What brings you guys here?" Sienna asked as she saw the two come into her dining room. Tom and Jack quickly moved to make space for the two. 

"Well, uh, we got some news for you." Robert said, looking at Kristen and holding her hand for assurance. 

Suzie piped in. "You're having twins?"

"Triplets?" Tom asked. 

"Robert isn't the father?" Jack asked, looking confused. 

Kristen gasped."Are you all fucking serious right now?" She glared at Jack, shooting daggers with her eyes. "Of course Rob's the father. I'm pretty sure Alicia didn't get me pregnant, you asshole." 

"Sheesh. I didn't know pregnant women were so cranky in the morning." Jack muttered. Kristen was about ready to pounce until Robert held her back.

"What's the big news, then?" Sienna asked, placing a pitcher of water on the dining table.

"So, uh, well, we kinda got back together. Wait. No kinda. We are back together." Robert said with a grin, giving Kristen a soft kiss.


"That's nice."

"Good for you."

Kristen's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You don't seem excited. I mean you guys practically shoved our faces into each other just so we would get back together, and now all you guys can say is That's nice?"  Kristen said, seething as she spat out every word. 

"Kristen, love, calm down. They're probably just surprised." Robert murmured, rubbing her shoulders to try to get her to relax.

Sienna was the first one to speak up. "Of course, we're happy for you! Let's celebrate! I'll make your favorite tonight, Shepherd's Pie. Let's just meet here at our place later. Sound good?" Sienna said, placing her hand on Kristen's knee.

"Yeah. I'd just thought you guys would be more enthusiastic, you know?" Kristen managed a small smile as she looked to Sienna. 

With a grin, Jack bounced up and down as he went near the couple. "Well, I, for one, am absolutely ecstatic. Good job, my friends." 

"I'll see you guys later." With a few hugs and kisses, Robert followed Kristen out the door. Once they heard Robert's car leave the driveway, the group began to shout.

"Fuck you, Standen! Now I'm out a hundred bucks this week." With a huff, Suzie  pulled out her wallet and threw the hundred bill on the table. 

"Damn it. I knew we shouldn't have agreed to have brunch here today." Sienna says with a sigh, throwing down her cash on the table. "Couldn't they just have waited until this weekend?"

"Sorry love. I bet that they'd say it's official by Thursday." Tom replies, placing down two hundred dollar bills. 

"What? You didn't even have the same answer as me? What's wrong with you?" Sienna swatted him as she turned away in frustration. 

"Aww love, don't be like that." Tom said as he tried to charm his way back to her good graces.

"Hell yeah. I'm five hundred dollars richer today." Jack does a fist pump. His reaction was met with grunts by his friends. 

"Oh, by the way. Sienna, is the baby shower still on for Friday?" Suzie asked as she popped open a can of beer. 

"Yep. You guys want to help out?" Sienn turned to the two men.

"Ugh, no thanks. I don't want to spend too much time with women." Jack says with a pout. 

"Fuck off, Jack! At least you still have time to hang out with women." Sienna gives Tom a glare. 

"You better shut the bloody hell up, Tom or you're sleeping on the couch tonight."

"Love, you know I don't mean it like that! I love you! You're the only woman for me!" Tom shouted as he followed his wife out of the room. 

"Damn, relationships, amirite?" Jack said, grabbing the beer from Suzie's hands. 

"Yep. That's some crazy shit right there."


"One month to go and we still don't know the sex of the baby." Robert says with a pout. "I mean how can we know what colors to buy for the little one's clothes?"

"So? Go for a neutral aesthetic." Kristen laughed, checking out the different cribs  in the store.

"That's just great. Our little one will be a hipster the minute it's born. I can imagine it now. Our baby will be wearing flannel shirts and eating organic kale and listening to Norwegian folk songs."

"Very funny, fucker. You know what I mean." She bumped him with her shoulder as they continued to walk along the aisles.

"I'm just saying. We don't even have a name for the little one yet." He bent down to kiss her bump. 

"Robert, don't worry about it. Besides, the only reason we can't find a name is because you keep on naming the little one like a dog instead of a human being."

"You really don't want to name the little one Bitsy? It's cute."

"Robert, do you want our child to hate us? What is wrong with you?" Kristen looked at him incredulously. 

"I'm kidding, Kris. I already have a name in mind. I mean I'd tell you but I'm keeping this a secret."

The two stop walking as Kristen turns to him, her arms folded. "You seriously think you'll be able to keep that from me?" 

"Of course. I'd bet on it." He said, looking smug about it. Slowly, Kristen trailed a finger along his bicep, tracing the curves all the way to his neck. 

"Well, what if.. " Kristen stopped, leaning towards his ear. She could hear him swallow nervously, making her chuckle. She whispered in his ear, trying to make her voice as sultry as possible."What if I interrogate you tonight? Are you still going to refuse to tell me?" 

"Kristen, you don't play fair." Robert whimpered. With a chuckle, Kristen patted him on the cheek. 

"Well, I hope you're ready for tonight. I'll show you how to play fair." With a wink, Kristen moved to another section of the store, leaving Robert behind in a daze. "Never bet against me, Pattinson."

With a chuckle, she said something to herself.

"Yep, I still got it."

A/N just so you know Suzie and Jack are totally adorable IRL. You should check out their instagrams because their posts about each other are totally goals. 

This story is wrapping up soon, so see you next chapter ;)

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