06 | Inhibitions

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This part happens a few weeks after the last chapter.



"Here's to Tom and Sienna! For being the first of us to grow up!" Suzie toasted as she lifted up her glass of champagne. The rest of the group followed suit.

"Cheers!" The sound of the glasses clinking together set the mood for the rest of the night. Tonight wasn't just another night for the group. It was the night when Tom and Sienna announced their engagement.

"So, you got plans for Marlowe to be a big sister anytime soon?" Rob asks, downing another glass of champagne.

"Oh, no. Not yet." Tom said quickly. Sienna just laughed, playfully slapping her now fiancee, adding to what he said. "Yeah, I mean we love Marlowe, but we want to wait for a while. Or at least, until after the wedding." Tom shrugged, planting a kiss on Sienna's cheek and whispered something in her ear that made her gasp.

"Looks like the lovebirds are gonna get it on later." Jack nudged Kristen, pointing at the verbal foreplay the two were having. Suzie smacked Jack on the shoulder. "Shut up, Jack! At least they're happy."

"Yeah. I mean, Tom snagged a girl that's way out of his league." Rob pointed out, earning a laugh from the rest of the group. Tom shot a look at Rob.

"Yeah, fine. The important thing is this woman is mine, for the rest of my life. That's good enough for me." Tom said with a smile.

"Aww." Sienna gave Tom a chaste kiss, which eventually turned into a full on make out session. Sienna whispered something in Tom's ear, making him whimper. Sienna stood up and started to walk towards the exit.

"Alright, we have to go. Something came up with the babysitter. I mean Marlowe. Of course, Marlowe. We have to get there as soon as we can." Fumbling with his wallet, Tom pulled out his credit card and threw it at the table. "Dinner's on me. Bye guys." As he said goodbye, he tripped over a rug and almost crashed into a chair. The rest of the group just burst out laughing.

"The man's a fucking lousy liar. Did you notice, they didn't even glance at their phone!" Jack snorted. Kristen picked up Tom's Mastercard, twirling it in her fingers.

"So, you guys up for anything tonight?" She asked, a sly grin on her face. Suzie replied first. "Yeah, sorry Kris. I've got something to do tomorrow, got to be up early. No can do."

Kris was about to ask Jack, but Suzie just gave Jack a meaningful look, glaring at him. Don't you dare.

"Yeah, got a gig tomorrow too, you know." Jack said, fumbling with the words.

"But your gig's not until 9PM." Rob pointed out.

"Oh, you know how musicians are. Got to get a lot of rest before a big night. So, uhm yeah. See you!" Jack and Suzie grabbed their coats and hastily made their exit.

"You guys are a bunch of filthy liars!" Robert yelled out, earning a glare from the waiter. "Sorry about that. Practicing for a play, you know. Got to get into character." He said apologetically. Kristen was trying not to laugh at Robert's quick response.

"Nice. So much for being a filthy liar." She smirked, grabbing another sip of champagne.

"C'mon. We're actors. We lie for a living."

"Yeah, that we do." Kristen raised her champagne flute. "Cheers?"

"What are we toasting to?" Robert asked as he mirrored Kristen's actions.

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